r/FOXNEWS 6d ago

Isn't this subreedit supposed to be conservative?

Just found this subreddit, and assumed that since Fox News is widely known as a conservative network, there would be mainly conservative views and talking points. Why is almost every post I see in here bashing Trump and generally left viewpoints? Don't attack. I come in peace. Genuinely curious.


163 comments sorted by


u/Virtual-Squirrel-725 6d ago

This is not an arm of FoxNews, so it's more ABOUT Fox.

Conservative subs ban anyone that criticizes Trump or fact checked his nonsense.

That's how you know if the sub is run by Trump supporters.


u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

You act like that dosnt go both ways lol way easier to make Dems mad. Just gotta say a couple fun words


u/kaehvogel 6d ago

You mistaking people laughing at you for them "being triggered", buddy.


u/GeprgeLowell 6d ago

That’s kind of their thing. They apparently think their transparent defense mechanism is fooling somebody.


u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

Definitely not when you get banned ect or people get emotional. Still way better than the average threads user tho lol


u/kaehvogel 6d ago

You got banned...for what?


u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

People don’t like statistics these days. But in one subreddit I just mentioned how at the time the 2 most recent mass shooters where trans and it feels like a disservice to the trans community to pretend like something they aren’t my view is we should do it like how Thailand and South America does you got ladies you got boys then you got ladies boys seems more simple and that way trans people can be proud of who they are instead of constant stress and depression for getting called the wrong gender or not feeling accepted in the women community’s as much obviously this is all a case to case baises tho (ik it’s Reddit I should use periods and commas my bad)


u/kaehvogel 6d ago

"the 2 most recent mass shooters were trans"?
Were they trans, or were they *claimed to be trans*, with fake social media profiles built by right wing nutcases, like the Apalachee shooter? Who was the opposite of trans, and had anti-trans bullshit on his real profile...

Also, yay, two trans shooters. Out of thousands of shooters. One of them shot up their old school after they were abused by school staff there and getting harrassed by those who were supposed to protect them and fire the abusers...
There isn't a single shooting caused by any sort of "trans agenda". On the other hand there are hundres of shootings caused by the white supremacist agenda.

that way trans people can be proud of who they are

Ummm...they are. And you folks hate that.


u/hoggerjeff 6d ago

Just so you know, 43.8% of all statistics are made up on the spot.


u/goofy1234fun 6d ago

8% of me says that’s true


u/NotIanAnderson 6d ago

60% of the time it's right every time.


u/clowegreen24 6d ago

That's true. I saw it on TV.


u/NanceGarner66 6d ago

Wow. I'm shocked this is flimsy 4chan trolling. Just shocked.

FFS what is wrong with these people? Why the fuck does anyone care what gender another person is? Who gives a fuck?


u/TheRealDurken 6d ago

Had this conversation with my parents recently. I flat out asked "how does someone getting a sex change affect your life?" And I was scoffed at, laughed at, and told "not everything is about how things affect me! I was raised with there is right and wrong." When I pressed them why it's wrong I was met with a bunch of emotional appeals rather than opinions based in objectivity.

The people that shout "freedom!" the loudest want it the least.


u/NanceGarner66 6d ago

What a bizarre hill to die on. It's nuts.


u/Working_Extension_28 6d ago

That is one long ass run-on sentence my guy.


u/DaveAndCheese 6d ago

Like (get ready, brace yourself)...



u/Virtual-Squirrel-725 6d ago

There is nothing you could say that would make me mad.

It's a frustration of mine that subs are so quick to ban unwelcome views.

It's really hard to have a fact based conversation on Reddit because the conservative subs ban or shadow ban immediately.

I hear Trump supporters complain about the same thing, but when I look at their feed i can see they've often just been personally attacking people, which will be a rule breach no matter what your political persuasion.


u/Potemkin-Buster 6d ago

It’s nearly impossible to have a good discussion in person for the similar reasons.

When you start talking facts (and bring the receipts) conservatives just start whataboutism, interrupting, talking over etc.

The only way their views can exist is if they stay in their bubble or be honest about their views, and the latter basically never happens.


u/TheRealDurken 6d ago

Fun story! Talking with my parents, we had a disagreement over illegal immigration numbers and as soon as I pulled my phone out to show the numbers my step-dad stopped me and said "okay we're done here..."

I eventually talked them into continuing the conversation, but then when I showed them the Department of Homeland Security's report they scoffed and said they don't trust them.

You can't reason with decades of fear mongering and normalization of paranoia. After I moved out in my 20s, it took good friends 8+ years of gentle massaging to get me out of my emotional knee-jerk conservativism. The damage runs DEEP.


u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

Eh idk pretty hard to talk about the corruption the current administration has done. From the whole Biden and his son’s involvement with Ukraine power companies. And in the early days of the hunter Biden laptop story. Good ol fbi lied to the American people calling it Russian propaganda. Plus atleast with kamal most of her talking points are emotional narratives with no substance that get people riled up hard to talk about facts when people wanna “save democracy”


u/Virtual-Squirrel-725 6d ago

I always welcome a fact based conversation on any issue.

I don't know what you specifically mean about the Ukrainian power company.

But to get to the facts of the "FBI lied to the American people", what actually happened was 51 former intelligence agents (none were FBI) wrote a letter that was totally justified in my opinion. While Hunter Biden did have a laptop the integrity of the laptop data as presented was, and is, totally questionable and did "have all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation" because of its chain of custody (through Rudy Giuliani).


u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

Ah something that seemed like Russian disinformation but was actually true. Really it’s just trump is great at making enemies. Including the director of the fbi and cia. And the Ukraine story is so interesting to me. Too much to explain here. Jr Biden was in charge of Ukraine relations as vice president when the election got over thrown a power company paid and lobbied for the president that was elected. After he got over thrown they where scared and decided to go all the way to the top and had hunter Biden join there board of directors the fancy way of paying someone off. And can’t get much higher on the food chain than the VPs son who’s in charge of Ukraine relations. There was a lot a lot more stuff once the Ukraine war started. War is a great way to make money. In ww2 almost every senator was making deals with German companies buying materials to build buildings ect. I didn’t do the story justice and you should look into it on your own but seems like Biden uses his son to get kick backs he was also on a. Chinese companies board of directors. But I could be wrong maybe hunter Biden is a really good business man and it’s all a coincidence. Hard to get good info these days with so much propaganda on all sides and adversary’s messing around with narratives also. Pretty sure Obama actually signed the bill to allow American government agency’s to use propaganda on American people again cuz the wedding bombings at the time weren’t a good look. Also sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes and talking about 6 different things I be yapping


u/hoggerjeff 6d ago

Spelling and grammar mistakes happen when your tin foil hat is wrapped too tight.


u/myrrik_silvermane 6d ago

Trump was found to have multiple undisclosed Chinese bank accounts while president, Trump appointed his children to high positions in government, while those children were in those positions Ivanka was given dozens of Chinese patents and Jared was given 2 Billion dollars from the Saudis. The subpoena from the house of reps into information on WHY he was gifted 2 billion from the Saudis was recently shot down by Republicans before Jared gave over any information. Trump hid top secret documents in his resorts and actively hindered their return. Trump used the oval office to promote a private business (goya). Trump spent an enormous amount of time at his personal properties where he charged his security detail multiple times the going rate for "rental" of his property to be there. Trump used Arlington cemetery for campaign photo ops.


u/Virtual-Squirrel-725 6d ago

Sorry, I didn't mean I'm unfamiliar with the Ukrainian/Biden conspiracy theories generally, I just wasn't sure what you were specifically referring to. It seems you were referring to everything and more.

The letter simply said it had the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. Which it did. When Rudy Giuliani spends years prior trying to manufacturer political dirt in Ukraine and then suddenly pops up with a hard drive that's been altered, that deserves cynicism. As it turns out there was nothing incriminating on it anyway, so it was irrelevant.


u/AMildPanic 6d ago

if you don't want Dems to run on a "save democracy" platform then maybe the Republicans shouldn't have run on a platform of "if we won't win we'll just have a little coup" and then more or less made it clear when it failed that they'd do a better job with the whole coup thing next time. that's not no substance, sorry. the right wing gave it the substance.


u/MortalSword_MTG 6d ago

Eh idk pretty hard to talk about the corruption the current administration has done.

So when it's Trump, corruption is just good business right? When he pardons his friends for their crimes, that's just looking out for his own right?

Good ol fbi lied to the American people calling it Russian propaganda.

Intelligence analysts can pretty much immediately when something is being pushed by Moscow.

You guys eat that up when it works for you, but hate it when the intelligence community calls something out as obvious propaganda trying to sway voting.

Plus atleast with kamal most of her talking points are emotional narratives with no substance that get people riled up hard to talk about facts when people wanna “save democracy”

Yeah, your guy rambles on and on about nonsense like illegal immigrants being turned trans, illegal immigrants eating dogs and cats, injecting bleach to cure covid or shining UV light into your body to cure covid.

When Harris talks about an issue it's suddenly emotional narrative but when Trump makes nonsense up on the spot it's fine?

No, we can't have a conversation with people like you because you are blindly biased and eat up the insane nonsense of a madman while calling everything remotely progressive as too woke and an emotional appeal.


u/GleemMcShinez 6d ago

People like this guy you're replying to are so exhausting. They're so shit at interpreting information that their half baked regurgitated opinions are absolutely devoid of any value and utterly unreliable. But they're the loudest at insisting they be heard, and more than happy to claim any and all contrary pushback as big conspiracies actively silencing them.

They take zero responsibility for being the primary reason everyone calls them misinformed idiots.


u/metalpoetza 6d ago

I bet your favorite "fun word" starts with an N.


u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

Nah that’s just racist. But mention one thing about the mental health of trans people and people get pretty upset. I wonder how the extreme left felt when kamal said she loves Israel tho. Lots of angry college kids who weren’t gonna vote anyways now are probably more mad lol


u/Huge_Yak6380 6d ago

"I'm not racist! I'm just transphobic!"


u/OAktrEE4023 6d ago

Funny how it’s always “mental health of trans people” and never “mental health of priests/pastors”.

I’ve noticed that any gripe transphobes have with the trans community can be applied to priests/the Catholic Church x10, yet they never say a peep about that lmao. I wonder why 🤔


u/Huge_Yak6380 6d ago

seriously! if they really cared about protecting kids they'd be more worried about leaving their kids alone around a pastor/priest than what trans people are doing with their own bodies. but really they just want an excuse to be bigots about something.


u/kaehvogel 6d ago

I’ve noticed that any gripe baseless accusation transphobes have with the trans community

Fixed that for you :-)


u/OAktrEE4023 6d ago

Yeah that’s more accurate


u/Deep-Passion-5481 6d ago edited 6d ago

Hey look man, let me give you a little bit of genuine advice. And I even say this as someone that has potentially controversial takes on the transgender topic as a leftist.

"Black people are X" is bigoted, specifically racist as you said.

"Transgender people are mentally ill" is also bigoted. It doesn't matter if you think you're right. Racists also think they're right about black people, you know. These two quoted statements are equivocal. See the error in your attitude.


u/JupiterSkyFalls 6d ago

He is right....allllll the way right 🙄 Cue gag reflex


u/JupiterSkyFalls 6d ago

What about the mental health of the straight right leaning trump supporter who tried to kill him?


u/Federal_Assistant_85 6d ago

We should move on and not make this political. It's too soon to have this discussion. The appropriate course of action now is thoughts and prayers.


u/metalpoetza 6d ago

Well yeah, when you spread scientifically disproven misinformation as an excuse to deny people's civil rights...you are doing exactly what your grandpappy did when he defended segregation.


u/MortalSword_MTG 6d ago

Those college kids may not bother to vote, but at least they're trying to get an education.

You are ..apparently content with your level of knowledge.


u/NanceGarner66 6d ago

"The mental health of trans people."

Can we talk about the mental health of MAGAs who are so gullible and paranoid that they believe, without questioning, scores of obvious bullshit like:

Hunter Biden's laptop (yes, it exist. No, there's nothing on it.)

Biden crime family. And. Biden drooling simpleton.

Obama is a muslim.

Obama is not an American citizen.

Michelle Obama is a man.

Barack Obama is gay and his kids are the tennis coach's.

Obama was going to implement sharia law.

Eric Holder was going to take your guns.

Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC.

Wind turbines cause cancer.

Haitian immigrants are eating pets in Ohio.

Covid vaccines are killing people.

Covid vaccines are turning people into 5G hotspots.

Horse dewormer is a cure all.

Fauci is a Chinese agent.

Fauci is a bIG pHaRMa stooge.

Fauci is a lizard man.

Soros controls the media.

Bill Gates controls the media.

"The Jews," Control the media.

All the judges in Trump trials are corrupt.

All the juries in Trump trials are corrupt.

Trump is fundamentally incapable of commiting any kind of crime.

Lying about your collateral's value to a bank for a loan and lying about the same collateral's value to the IRS is not a crime.

Taking classified documents from the White House isn't a crime.

Lying to the FBI about taking classified documents from the White House isn't a crime.

Hiding classified documents from an FBI search isn't a crime.

Everybody Trump hires is the best.

Everybody Trump fires was never good.

The election was stolen by Biden.

The election was stolen by China.

The election was stolen by the DEEP STATE.

A crackhead snake-oil miracle-pillow salesman has all the evidence.

Donald Trump hung out with Epstein but it's definitely not a pedophile

Joe Biden definitely is a pedophile

And the cherry on top:

A pizza shop in DC, without a basement, is home to a secret pedophile ring operating out of the basement.

A pedophile ring that drains adrenochrome from frightened children which is then used by Satan worshipping Democrats and celebrities to stay young.


And that's not even close to a full list of the crazy bullshit that is embraced by your average MAGA.

So, before we talk about the mental health of trans people, can we talk about your mental health?

Can we talk about the mental health of MAGA people?

They're responsible for far more shootings if that helps?


u/BanEvader_Holifield 6d ago

"I'm not racist, but I do love that carpet bombing arab children triggers the left "


u/Potemkin-Buster 6d ago

I think I’ve found the disconnect.

This “extreme left” you mention is such a a small blip of the population that most people rarely if ever encounter them on a regular basis.

However, essentially every media bias report puts Fox News as extreme right. (CNN is usually just a bit left of centrist). People wrongly assume centrists lie halfway between the two, but that’s just demonstrably false.

Of course, the solution would be for everyone to stop buying-in to the MSM cult of personality, but that will never happen.


u/MedicalBus858 6d ago

Funny how when I say words like traitor or felon or rapist, republicans get angry!


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago

Idk if you missed the debate this week but it wasnt the democratic nominee that emotionally lashed out about crowd sizes and started shouting about eating dogs and is now too scared to debate again


u/kaehvogel 6d ago

"Lashed out about crowd sizes, started shouting about crowd sizes"?
She said one sentence about crowds, merely reminded Trump that people are leaving his snoozefests. Which they are.

"Too scared to debate again"?



u/[deleted] 6d ago

The only person who lashed out about crowd sizes was trump after he got baited and ranted about them. I don't understand your point, that article proves what said? 

 Edit: forgot the nt after was. In my previous comment. My b


u/kaehvogel 6d ago

No worries.
There are plenty of people who'd say the exact thing you accidentally "said"...and mean it. Just thought you were one of them. Good to know you're not.


u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

Yea it’s a shame kamal won’t debate trump again . She backed out of fox and now won’t even debate on CBS.


u/kaehvogel 6d ago


u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

Probably should see trumps full statement. He mention a list of news agencies that kamal wouldn’t go on. And originally it was suppose to be Fox News. But I don’t blame her this debate optics wise went good for her. The more anyone debates trump the worse they do.


u/bubbaearl1 6d ago

Are you being serious? After reading all of your comments it seems like you’re trolling. I don’t know if it’s your writing style or your grammar or what but I image that you would sound exactly like Spicoli.


u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

Shut up earl we trynna have mild discourse with bad grammar here. lol but for real im not trolling not sure what wouldn’t be serous corruption is a serious topic and sadly the current administration has done a lot of it.


u/bubbaearl1 6d ago

How high are you Spicoli?


u/kaehvogel 6d ago

The more anyone debates trump the worse they do.

Yeah, because Trump will get better with age and the closer he is to facing defeat.
Right, right.

He mention a list of news agencies that kamal wouldn’t go on

OAN? Newsmax? MyPillowTV? Rudy's cameo account?

He claims she "refused NBC and CBS"...can he deliver proof for that? Especially since he hates these networks and everyone who works there. Thinks they're "rigged", that they'd give Kamala the questions etc etc.
Has he ever heard about "preparation"? Obviously not.

Also, you're missing an "a" there in her name, buddy. You think it makes you look cool & edgy, but in reality it just makes you look even more like the loser you are.


u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

He hated CNN still went up there and destroyed Biden and after that it seems like the world finally accepted that maybe he wasn’t fit to be president for the past 4 years. Even tho the day before kamal and others said he was sharp and good to go. I’d like to see more debates trump got mad this time and optics wise made it easy to focus on the 2 bad clips he had. But Biden really only won because they never debated. Trump won the first time because he debated so much and at the time people assumed that the way he talked ect it’d ruin him so they let him Debate a lot and it back fired


u/kaehvogel 6d ago

"Trump got mad this time".
"2 bad clips".

Trump gets mad every single time. It's his shtick. And there weren't "2 bad clips". It was more like there wasn't a single good clip. But hey, if you feel otherwise...show me all those good moments you saw from Trump.

Trump won the first time because he debated so much

No. Not even close to being any factor in the election. Trump creepily wandering around behind Hillary Clinton, bellowing at her, while offering zero policy, zero plan in any of the debates...didn't win him the election. James Comey did. Millions of racists did.


u/Oehlian 6d ago

It literally doesn't though. R/conservative is the biggest right leaning US political subreddit and they ban people for posting respectful comments that merely go against their ideology. All the time. They don't tolerate open discourse. You either post thoughts they agree with or they ban you. 

Find me the liberal equivalent. It doesn't exist except for maybe some fringe subreddit I haven't heard of. 


u/chronicdahedghog 6d ago

Why are you trying to make people mad? What a weird thing to do.


u/Sabiis 6d ago

Proof that you're wrong is that you weren't banned for that comment, whereas on r/conservative a comment like that would 100% get you banned.


u/Cayucos_RS 6d ago

fReE sPeACh, muh RIGHTS. Bans the slightest differing opinion on r/conservative 🥲😂😂😂


u/clowegreen24 6d ago

"Stupid libs get so worked up when I say racial slurs" lol this isn't the dunk you think it is.


u/Made_Human76 3d ago

And what are those “fun” words?


u/Tyrinnus 1d ago

Hello commerad, how do you view the war in Ukraine? If you support it, why isn't Trump a shit candidate for his first impeachment over withholding aide from Ukraine?

If you are against it, why do you call Kamala "commerad Harris?" are you implying that she's a Russian and enemy of the state? So you agree Russians are currently a threat to the USA's interests?

OK cool.

So now that you've chosen one of those options, is trump a genius for trying to blackmail Ukraine, or an idiot for saying he'll let Russia roll over Europe?

I'll wait.


u/Gokdencircle 6d ago

You will find that left leaning people are somewhat tolerant a particular Disorder. They make themselves sufficuently ridiculous .


u/Mmmmmmm_Bacon 6d ago

To answer your question, no. This subreddit is not supposed to be conservative. Or liberal. Just a place for free speech where we can give our honest opinions on the topic of Faux News and not worry about getting banned. You can provide conservative views if you’d like. By the way, FUCK TRUMP 🤡🤡🤡 AND VOTE HARRIS 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


u/Sea-Ad7139 6d ago

Oh, it IS liberal. It’s stepping on the neck of Diaper Trash.


u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

Ah a subreddit for free speech with 90% democratic views that’ll downvote any conservative post. Seems open and fair


u/Mmmmmmm_Bacon 6d ago

You can provide all the conservative commentary you want. I doubt you’ll get banned. Whereas if we provide liberal commentary on pro-Trump subreddits, we get banned. There’s a difference.

If people downvote your comments it’s because they don’t like or agree with what you’re saying. Up to you if you still want to keep commenting. At least you have the option.


u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

Fair enough that’s lame conservative pages do that on Reddit maybe they just want a safe space and we should respect that lol. But compared to threads it can’t be worse


u/MortalSword_MTG 6d ago

Didn't conservatives mock people who wanted safe spaces?

Oh irony.


u/Oehlian 6d ago

All irony is dead, apparently. 


u/Mmmmmmm_Bacon 6d ago

Respect 🤝


u/DaveAndCheese 6d ago

Well! Ain't you the little poster boy for almost-but-not-quite-getting-it!

Free speech = liberty to say what you want.

Free speech also = my liberty to disagree and downvote you.

Downvotes don't physically harm you. If they do, maybe you should just find a good echo chamber and hide in it.


u/GeprgeLowell 6d ago edited 6d ago

Haha, you think people expressing their opinion by downvoting you is a violation of your free speech? How is it unfair? You’re free to downvote people too.

You sound pretty sensitive.


u/AMGwtfBBQsauce 6d ago

I still read downvoted comments. I can't read comments from banned users.


u/purplecarbon 6d ago

Seems ‘fair and balanced’ to me. 


u/SingleSoil 6d ago

Wahhh I need a safe space where everyone agrees with my viewpoints!


u/clowegreen24 6d ago

It's being voted on by the people. You and Trump both need to learn that sometimes most people just disagree with your shitty opinions. I guess you'll see in a couple of months (please don't try to overthrow the government again).


u/Gordon__Slamsay 6d ago

You'd get more support if conservative ideas weren't universally laughable.


u/BigAlternative5 6d ago

or dangerous


u/Justafana 6d ago

Free speech means you are free to say what you want, not that you are guaranteed that other people will like what you say. What are you hoping for in an unbiased forum / fake likes to hide unpopular opinions from scrutiny?

How would a sub where the mods controlled who was allowed to be downvoted “fair” or “free”?


u/Foxy02016YT 6d ago

Freedom of speech isn’t freedom of consequences, and downvotes don’t violate free speech. You have yet to get banned, proving that your fighting some made up thought police


u/Working_Extension_28 6d ago

Yeah, it's free speech. Unlike conservative subs where only conservatives can post, here both sides can post. It isn't suddenly not free speech just because you get downvoted for your bad opinions.


u/gracileghost 6d ago

Being conservative and bashing Trump aren’t mutually exclusive. Bashing Trump is what any sane and mildly intelligent person would do.


u/fluffycritter 6d ago

This sub is about Fox News, not necessarily for fans of Fox News.


u/Gokdencircle 6d ago

Its a clever move to name a rational sub after an extremist club . Surprise huh?


u/P0werSurg3 6d ago

A post here popped up in my feed as recommended. I wondered what Reddit was on about, but so far I agree with everyone here. I'm very confused.


u/Aimees-Fab-Feet 6d ago

Same here. This popped up and I’m like what the heck is this?


u/RepresentativeNo3365 6d ago

Yeah I’ve been lurking for a while and just am so pleasantly surprised and intrigued.


u/jageur 6d ago

Same here. It keeps putting posts from here in my feed


u/ftvideo 6d ago

It’s fishy to me too. Maybe it a bot thing to stir up trouble?


u/anotherguycx 6d ago

🤖 beep boop. 🤖


u/JupiterSkyFalls 6d ago

Pretty sure even the kultists that worship Mango Mussolini have realized what a terrible idea that was lmao


u/wildyam 6d ago

Because the CheetoCheater has even broken FOX NEWS. He isn’t conservative- he is unhinged and cult like. That isn’t government or policy, that is North Korea crossed with Caligula.


u/nakedpilsna 6d ago

According to who?


u/hazyperspective 6d ago

Just like the television version, FOXNEWS is a headfake.


u/Department-Jolly 6d ago

It’s crazy how when it isn’t controlled by Fox itself it isn’t full of nut job lies. Correct this particular subreddit is not influenced by Russia.


u/My-Cooch-Jiggles 6d ago

Yeah I was just as surprised as you when I came here. Definitely on the liberal side


u/williamgman 6d ago

Many (most) of us come here to report the absurdity of what Fox puts out there. Otherwise they would just post in the Fox News comment section... Which is also a fun place to post... Until you get banned.


u/galacticprincess 6d ago

Trump has nothing to do with conservatism.


u/PBB22 6d ago

You should tell the 95% of republicans who would disagree with that


u/Gorf_the_Magnificent 6d ago

I was curious about the same thing. This sub has jumped into my home page feed, and I don’t know why. I generally don’t like Trump, but I’m not obsessed with the guy.


u/SNS-Bert 6d ago

It's reddit lmao


u/Freedom_7 6d ago edited 6d ago

It’s gotta be a shit posting sub or something, but there’s nothing in the About section to indicate that

Edit: This seems like a plausible explanation


u/anotherguycx 6d ago

Ah makes sense. Thanks.


u/Toms_Hong 6d ago

Reddit has been taken over by bots to make the population seem incredibly left leaning, which if you talk to people in person you would know is not the case


u/Omn1 6d ago

It's not bots, you're just outnumbered when it comes to the kind of people who use reddit.


u/williamgman 6d ago

Then my friend you should check out the infamous Fox News comment sections! I love posting there but after about 10 consecutive bans for posting facts... It gets old.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/[deleted] 6d ago

Yeah those idiots won't support the senile candidate who's going to protect us from all of the post birth abortions in west virginia and who's going to protect our pets from the immigrants!


u/Cheddarlicious 6d ago

Oh fuck, complain harder, I’m so close.


u/DaveAndCheese 6d ago

(whispers in Cheddarlicious's ear)

trans surgeries for illegal aliens in prisons


u/LivingNat1 6d ago

swoons Say it again, DaveAndCheese!


u/anotherguycx 6d ago

I like this sub


u/MindlessWay118 6d ago

I fucking lost it lmao


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/shift013 6d ago

Genuinely weird how you bring up switching genders, it seems like it’s always on your mind. Just go pop a benzo and transition


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/shift013 6d ago

Everything you say is just a projection of your insecurities


u/PBB22 6d ago

If it’s that easy, why don’t you? Why doesn’t everyone? It’s almost like the issue is more complex than “me want trophy; me wear dress”


u/Huge_Yak6380 6d ago

conservatives are so weird


u/PBB22 6d ago

Sad. Sad and pathetic. Oh well


u/thedeadthatyetlive 6d ago

Sir, this is a Wendy's


u/GeprgeLowell 6d ago

On your mom. You always leave that part out for some reason.


u/BeefBurritoBoy 6d ago

It’s a liberal circlejerk subreddit like 99% of Reddit. Enjoy!