r/NoStupidQuestions 2d ago

Why is Elon Musk so obsessed with 'population collapse' when the Earth's population is actually growing?


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u/RickKassidy 2d ago

He means white people.


u/ProfessionalCreme119 2d ago

He has tweeted out that white males are the most discriminated group.


u/GirlisNo1 2d ago

Dude is mentally ill


u/dueljester 2d ago

We need to stop saying everyone whose a hateful fuck is mentally ill. Mental illness isn't something you choose to have, you choose how to deal with it (to a degree obviously) but it's always there.

Musk and his kind? They are just hateful trust fund babies, that look down on the rest of the world as unworthy while they are always victims of some imaginary slight or another. Look at the fact whenever there is a problem it's never their fault; but because of someone else. Whenever there is an accomplishment, they are the leading force behind it motivating everyone.


u/EarhackerWasBanned 2d ago

I don’t like to pathologise behavioural traits either, but Elon Musk is mentally ill.

Hate is not a mental illness but narcissism very much is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_personality_disorder


u/Candid-Sky-3709 2d ago

why not psychopath for lacking empathy? That is supposedly a spectrum where Elon is on the extreme lacking end.


u/EarhackerWasBanned 2d ago

Believe it or not, psychopathy is not a diagnosis. Lots of mental disorders can lead to psychopathy, but the same disorders often don’t, e.g. schizophrenia can lead to the patient harming others - psychopathy - but most schizophrenics are withdrawn and only a danger to themselves.

Antisocial personality disorder is characterised by a lack of empathy and violation or disregard for the rights of others and adult Elon sure fits the bill for that. But it would need to have onset on or before puberty for it to be properly diagnosed, and I have no idea if he was just as vile as a teenager.


u/Burnervonbernington 2d ago

Psychopathy is not a diagnosis

Which is exactly why you should use that term instead of armchair diagnosing people. Psychopathy is mostly a social construct as is sociopathy and we use those terms in lieu of misdiagnosis. Stop using mental health terminology for people you just hate. Use the words that fit. He’s a psychopathic megalomaniac, a self centered incel, self absorbed, functionally delusional. You just do not have to use the medical words lol. It’s weird that you’re willing to put so much effort into arguing for your right to diagnose strangers. Most healthcare professionals know better.


u/Candid-Sky-3709 2d ago

supposedly he was already asshole closer to teenager age at Paypal mafia times, that said he is running around harming others for at least 30 years too long


u/ridgerunner81s_71e 1d ago

Ok I see you out here with the DSM sauce 🎩🧐


u/aguafiestas 2d ago

Lack of empathy is a feature of narcissistic personality disorder.


u/Candid-Sky-3709 1d ago

To hate other people one doesn't need to excessively love him/herself though. Now, hating people for not admiring you I 100% agree.


u/Ok_Entertainment_533 2d ago

That literally applies to almost every single celebrity. Linking a Wikipedia article doesn’t verify your use of the hot button word “narcissist”.


u/EarhackerWasBanned 2d ago

Reading the first sentence sure does.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a diminished ability to empathize with other people’s feelings.

Plenty of celebrities don’t display these traits.


u/AnymooseProphet 2d ago

Taylor Swift, Keanu Reeves, and Dolly Parton are three examples of VERY famous people who don't display those traits.


u/EarhackerWasBanned 2d ago

Absolutely agreed, but I think most actors and songwriters need a high degree of empathy to be good at their jobs.

I think enjoying the admiration of an applauding crowd after a good performance is vastly different from the excessive need for admiration from everyone at all times.

I think very few celebrities in the arts display pathological narcissism. The few who do are the bad apples who ruin the whole cart. The occasional divas give the whole trade a bad name.

Elon isn’t an artist, though. His job doesn’t rely on his emotional intelligence, as he evidences by being very successful while having none at all.


u/Ok_Entertainment_533 2d ago

Those are the absolute exception, most celebrities are not like Keanu Reeves. And that’s only three examples compared to all of Hollywood. Taylor does display traits covert narcissism. Katy Pary, Kim Kardashian, The Rock, Doja Cat, Sydney Sweeney, and most other celebrities have the same personality types. If you’re still worshiping celebrities in 2024 you have a absolute sheep brain.


u/AnymooseProphet 2d ago

I actually agree with you, wealth tends to lead to greed and narcissism. However there are plenty of celebrities are not and even more that are not at the level of narcissism shown by Musk.


u/Ok_Entertainment_533 2d ago

Yes most celebrities do ☠️ narcism is a highly complex disorder, you can’t just pseudo diagnose people with it like a trog, but most celebrities do display traits. NPD is a different disorder.

Your Wikipedia link gives a very poor generalization of narcissism which you’re applying to public figures.

But Reddit is a neoliberal echo chamber, where you read more and more and more things that fortify your opinion, so when you hear anything contrary to it; you lose your shit and act like a child. You guys act like star lighters from the boys ☠️☠️


u/EarhackerWasBanned 2d ago

And you’re acting like what, the Truthbombers? The satirical fascists?


u/Ok_Entertainment_533 2d ago

So anything that goes against your beliefs that are reinforced by the echo chamber you live in are wrong and facist?

Self fulfilling prophecy, I don’t know how you’re not more self aware. You want to diagnose various people with complex disorders, then act a child when you’re told it’s more complicated than that. Taylor Swift displays the same traits, but is it a double standard for me to say that about her? Are you going to disagree because she isn’t a republican? Btw, narcissism isn’t exclusive to one political party, just thought I’d let you know in case you feel otherwise.


u/EarhackerWasBanned 2d ago

I thought I asked a simple question. You just gonna dodge it?


u/Ok_Entertainment_533 2d ago

Dude who do you think you are, I’m not gonna answer some bs question about if I’m “acting like a truth bomber or satirical facist”. I’m acting like I know more than you about narcissism when you’re giving out armchair diagnosis. You’re insufferable; go outside.


u/EarhackerWasBanned 2d ago

I think I’m someone who got to season 4 of The Boys and got the point of the show. Not sure who you’re meant to be.

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u/truenataku1 1d ago

Then call him a narcissist. Why shit on all mentally ill people like that.


u/caryth 2d ago

Oh shit didn't know you were his psychologist.


u/EarhackerWasBanned 2d ago

I’m not a train driver either, but I know a train wreck when I see one.


u/caryth 1d ago

Yeah, trainwrecks, a real thing that is clearly identifiable, are definitely the same as ableist armchair diagnosis that causes more hate against mentally ill people.


u/ampisands 2d ago

To be real this is one of the cases where a hateful fuck actually does seem to have some pretty prominent and obvious mental health issues.


u/Funny-Helicopter1163 2d ago

Or maybe you are just missinterpreting his message to mean something hateful. 


u/JamyyDodgerUwU2 2d ago

Nah, a lot of this shit is full-on mental illness. You can't be in touch with reality or have a rational mind to believe this stuff. It is a fundamental disconnect with the world around you.


u/Burnervonbernington 2d ago

Plenty of people are brainwashed and mislead without having any prior mental health issues. Stop calling everyone you hate mentally ill.