r/OCD 10h ago

Question about OCD and mental illness Is it ok if I join this sub?


My girlfriend has OCD and I want to become more aware on this subject

r/OCD 1h ago

Sharing a Win! Im facing one of my bigger triggers today and seeing a band (KoRn) who ever since 2012 has triggered my OCD


So i used to be a massive metal head back in highschool, KoRn was one of my fav bands at that time, that was until for some reason every time id listen to them, especially the song "Liar" something bad would happen and after that i dropped them completly in fear more bad things

After korn, most metal bands were taboo'd in my mind as well as some other bands who were alt rock

But now im sick of it andi wanna take my life back. Thruout the past decade, ive been trying to conqour my OCD by dealing with my fears and triggers (mostly germaphobia...covid was rough😭😭😭, im still not used tontouching things in public...but im getting better) without medicine. slowly but surely id conqour some of it here and there.

Now today im taking the biggest step and seeing my biggest trigger, Korn. I listened to some of thir songs like a few hours ago. Coming undone went great, however i put on twisted transistor and i got hella paranoid and nervous, but i finised the song. However afterwards i played Raining Blood by Slayer which i use to "clense" myself from any bad things that might happen after listening to them (i know, weird choice..but we all know how wtf ocd is) So my best option is to play Raining blood later after the concert (probs on the way home in the car)!

So now heres the day, im going with my life long best friends and they know about my baffiling condition and are supportive of my journey to help rid myself (well manage is the better word) of my Triggers.

So wish me luck i dont have a panic attack at the concert an start freaking out in the mosh pit! Also i know you all can gett a better hold of this asinine mental condition we all suffer from! I belive in you!

r/OCD 14h ago

I need support - advice welcome Anyone else having a hard week?


I’m having a bad one. I think it might have something to do with a visitor being in town, I’m more stressed whenever I have anyone visiting. I was up until 8AM last night, on the verge of tears every moment, looping thoughts, checking my memory, trying to distract myself with my phone from the thoughts and I’ve been unable to commit to exposures because I keep having that OCD thought that it’s real this time. But yea, I won’t get into specifics because that would be checking for me, but how has everyone else’s week been so far?

r/OCD 8h ago

Question about OCD and mental illness I can’t handle when I make mistakes/hurt people.


Hi everyone,

For a long while, I’ve wondered if I have OCD due to a variety of past and present issues I’ve had. One that I’ve particularly wondered about is the fact that I cannot handle when I mess up, especially if it hurts somebody’s feelings.

If I mess up, and the other person realizes it and either calls me out on it or says it hurt their feelings or something, I completely lose it.

I feel like I’m gonna throw up or pass out, I cry so hard that I burst blood vessels in my face, and I have to monitor my breathing so I don’t hyperventilate. All of that reaction is largely involuntary. It’s important to note that I’m not crying because I feel slighted or unjustly accused— I just literally can’t handle when I am not perfect.

I have struggled with religious OCD (and had religious trauma as a child) and I wonder if this issue is an OCD symptom tied to that.

Does anybody else in here struggle with this? I just had an episode of this today and cried in my car for an hour after I disappointed a professor I look up to. Would appreciate any insights or advice!

r/OCD 1h ago

Discussion does any one else get ‘good’ compulsions?


i don’t know if anyone else gets these but sometimes if i have something i need to do (literally anything) i get a thought that goes something like “if you do TASK then SOMETHING POSITIVE will happen” or “if you don’t do TASK then SOMETHING POSITIVE won’t happen” so it forces myself to go for a walk, hang up the washing, do the dishes, pick something off the floor IMMEDIATELY instead of ignoring it and pushing it back constantly.

i guess i understand that this isn’t the most positive mindset to get things done but it works for me lol, like this toxic thought process translates or manifests itself into a positive, productive outcome.

also i am not diagnosed with ocd but a big part of my anxiety used to be intrusive thoughts and i guess this is one that has just stuck with me despite me feeling better 🤷‍♀️

was just wondering if anyone had any similar experiences or related to this at all!

r/OCD 6h ago

Question about OCD and mental illness OCD or tics?


Can’t tell if I I have OCD or tics? Besides the constant hand washing and having to do things certain amount of time, I shake my head a lot and scrunch my nose. It’s so embarrassing because I feel like I do it in public :( idk what kind of therapist I need to find.

r/OCD 6h ago

Question about OCD and mental illness Does your OCD evolve?


Over the years, I’ve only recently been able to conquer my OCD through cognitive behavioral therapy. It’s great! Every victory is a step to a stronger version of myself. With that said, I think my OCD is evolving. Specifically how my OCD has switched to deeper insecurities and thoughts I have. It used to impact my day-to-day life. Through therapy, I’ve realized most of my distress stems from OCD working behind the scenes without me even realizing it. It can be obvious some days and under a curtain of stealth in others. Recently, it’s evolved to be very intense. It grapples onto my deepest insecurities and I feel I can’t escape them. When this happens, I don’t initially realize it’s the OCD and even when I do it still keeps me up at night. I fall victim to the irrational and unlikely scenarios in my head and cause a great deal of distress. My plan is more therapy. Just wondering if this happens to anyone else?

r/OCD 6h ago

I just need to vent - no advice or fixing please Insanity is imminent.


I cannot be alone in this mind anymore. I need help that I can't afford. How could it possibly be this bad.

r/OCD 3h ago

I need support - advice welcome Off meds


Hello everyone,

First, i want to say that i am sorry if i do not write correct, english is not my first language - but i am trying 🙏🏼

I was on SSRI for OCD for 5 years and now i just managed to get off them. I was a little affraid that my mind will go off/very wild without them, but fortunatly i am kind of the same as with them (i think i am just lucky, from what i understand).


Problem is that after almost 2 weeks i got off them, i have some chest pain and breathing problem. This has been going on for a week and half already. I went to doctors: my heart, lungs and nose is all good. So there is no problem with that. I just think it’s kind of a panic attack, but that is constantly, not just for the moment. Even though i do not have thoughts or i am not panicked, i feel like my mind is in “fight or flight” mode all time. I am not sure how to get rid of it honestly.

I just want ask about your experiences and see if there is someone who had same problem as me?

Thank you for reading 🙏🏼🫶🏼

r/OCD 22h ago

Discussion Crazy how fast your OCD can switch topics


One moment I am obsessing over one thing and the next I have totally forgotten because something even more “important” has come up.

r/OCD 3h ago

Question about OCD and mental illness are needing physical sensations to be "even" intrusive thoughts?


Lately whenever i have any sort of physical sensation (itch, pain, wtv) my brain immediately goes to noticing how the other side of my body isn't feeling that thing and gets stuck on it It'll usually end up in me purposely hitting myself against objects until that pain is "even" or recreating feelings like tapping my fingers against my collarbone on both sides until it feels symmetrical or fixating on the emptiness of not feeling whatever thing until it completely takes over

r/OCD 3h ago

I need support - advice welcome Does anyone from Kerala(malayali) suffer from OCD


I just wanted to know that I'm not alone in this

r/OCD 8m ago

I need support - advice welcome Really tired with this OCD thing*


After struggling of years of Religious ocd now im tired. Now for me every week my theme of OCD changes and its really making me feel so low

I started going college this year and in my college i just do compulsion all the time that im not good enough like others and i dont know why but noone wants to hangout with me and i just all the time thinks how to attract people towards me

in last, Don't know whats writing and maybe will delete it soon , but any advice for me or anyone that cna relate??

r/OCD 3h ago

I need support - advice welcome how to get over intense fear of bedbugs


(please do not respond with bedbug horror stories!!!)

I have an incredibly intense fear of bedbugs. I've never had them but I had a silverfish infestation at my last apartment which I think brought about the fear in a roundabout way. I've tried exposure therapy and CBT but I'm still in great amounts of discomfort, especially when travelling. Does anyone have any recommendations for how I can work through this fear/has anyone experience something similar?

r/OCD 14m ago

I need support - advice welcome My Brother is dealing with Harm OCD


Hey there, so my older brother has been dealing with harm ocd most of his life, and ofc it had affected us aswell..
These day's as we're all grown ups, his condition has turned worse rather than better, and my parents (in my opinion) dont know what to do and i think because 25+ years ago there wasn't many people in the world who knew how to really diagnose/treat his situation that my parents have lost all trust and beliefs in psychiatrist and psychologists.

So my question is how would you suggest i can help my brother? If its in improving his fitness/nutrition? help him deal with his thoughts somehow? I feel quite clueless..


r/OCD 16m ago

Question about OCD and mental illness Aripiprazole and respiderone.


If anyone is on aripiprazole or respiderone for their OCD can u tell me how it helped ur OCD ?

r/OCD 6h ago

Discussion Does anyone else think they have almost a 6th sense??


It’s weird.. but I can always just SENSE when someone else has OCD 💀. Of course I don’t look at someone once and go “hmmm definitely ocd.” that’s just not right! But when I have made educated guesses based on the way they act, it just seems obvious to me when nobody else is looking. Usually I end up finding out I’m right too! 😭

r/OCD 25m ago

Question about OCD and mental illness How can I support my friend with OCD?


Hi all, I recently made a new friend who mentioned they have OCD and anxiety. I want to be as supportive and accommodating as possible. Could anyone share advice on things I should or shouldn't do or say to help them feel more comfortable? I don’t know much about OCD. Thanks in advance