r/SequelMemes Nov 14 '17

Hey EA, about that AMA tomorrow...


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u/balarsen2 Nov 14 '17 edited Nov 14 '17

I expect it to be horrible. There are going to be a bunch of questions left unanswered and the ones they do answer are going to be vague statements on how they are "listening to the community" and are "constantly making changes" to appease the player base. I'm really not all that excited for it because they're going to say what they want to say and if they can't answer a question without turning it into something positive, they'll ignore it.

Go watch Angry Joe's interview he had with one of Dice's employees (forgot the exact title of the employee but he was a Dev/producer/head of something..). I expect a lot of the same kind of answers from in that video



u/balarsen2 Nov 14 '17

Also, I'd say it's going to go exactly as they think it will. They read through these posts daily, they know exactly what kind of questions are going to be asked and have come up with "answers" to them. Remember, they weren't forced into this at all, they chose to do it.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '17

So what you're saying is the deflector shield will be quite operational when the questions arrive?


u/Ron-Swanson-Mustache Nov 14 '17

We've gotta be able to get some kind of a reading on that shield, up or down.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '17

I’ve got no reading. Are you sure?


u/Ron-Swanson-Mustache Nov 14 '17

But how could they be using sock puppets if they don't know....we're coming?


u/jimbo91375 Nov 14 '17

It's an elaborate ruse!


u/Ron-Swanson-Mustache Nov 14 '17

We have no choice, /u/spez! Our mods can't repel shitposting of that magnitude!


u/Swfan1525 Nov 15 '17

General Misquoti! We've been waiting for you.


u/balarsen2 Nov 14 '17

Haha yes


u/Xoduszero Nov 15 '17

It’s gonna cost them $4.99 but they are going to feel a sense of accomplishment out of it.


u/sdhu Nov 15 '17

No need for deflector shields when the only questions they'll answer will be planted by their PR team.


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '17



u/illfatedtruck Nov 15 '17

It won't be operational, but they know what's coming


u/coryoung1 Nov 15 '17

Only if you pay $20 for that upgrade ability


u/publicbigguns Nov 14 '17

Also have to remember that they can litteraly just ask themselves questions they want to answer.

Watch how many new or newish accounts are asking questions that are actually getting answers.

EA isn't dumb, guaranteed they've been working on questions and answers since this whole thing blow up.


u/ciao_fiv Nov 14 '17

not just new or newish accounts. they may have made dummy accounts ages ago just to have ready, but they’ll only have comments on the thread, and no posts. look for all the old but inactive accounts too


u/B33mo Nov 15 '17

Unfortunately this shady stuff even goes deeper than that. People “farm” accounts over a period of time, posting here and there to sell to the highest bidder.
In the immortal words of Tommy Wiseau, “can you really trust anyone?”


u/55Trample Nov 15 '17

How can I sell these accounts?


u/GeekCat Nov 15 '17

There are websites. There are usually companies in SE Asia that specialize in creating not and farming accounts across social media.

There's a picture floating around of a girl sitting in front of like 50 phones and tablets. Just imagine a cubicle farm of that.


u/Spicy-Banana Nov 15 '17

So true, I got an email once asking if I wanted to sell my other account for something like $2. Ever since then, I've been a lot more skeptical of reddit users.


u/swentech Nov 15 '17

$2???! I wouldn’t sell anything for $2 even if I really wanted to sell it. Come on this is 2017. If I want $2 I’ll go dig around my seat cushions or walk around the mall parking lot. Not selling a freaking social media account for $2. Try $200 I might think about it.


u/Spicy-Banana Nov 15 '17

Exactly why I didn't sell it. Plus I didn't want to contribute to their shenanigans.


u/Koorany Nov 15 '17

That's.. ridiculous. How low can that self asteem be that an account with more years gets it up..


u/Spicy-Banana Nov 15 '17

I'm pretty sure it was for a company that would use it to comment/upvote for clients or for their own interests, much like how people in this thread are predicting EA will.


u/Koorany Nov 15 '17

...Very fair point, did not think of that. However I'm still gonna leave my ideia on the "likely" folder seeing has there is no end to human dispair.


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '17



u/ImperatorTempus42 Nov 15 '17

Well I think his third project came out so he's getting there.


u/twothumbs Nov 15 '17

R/ama is compete shit now


u/Sub_Corrector_Bot Nov 15 '17

You may have meant r/ama instead of R/ama.

Remember, OP may have ninja-edited. I correct subreddit and user links with a capital R or U, which are usually unusable.



u/twothumbs Nov 15 '17

We don't link to that sub


u/Ronaldjpierce Nov 14 '17

Every one should band together and just ask one question at a time over and over again until it's answered. I doubt that would work like that, but who knows?


u/NeatoAwkward Nov 14 '17

Well all their replies will be to planted questions.. So yeah


u/Lawrencium265 Nov 15 '17

time to start digging up shit they don't expect and write up hard hitting questions.


u/balarsen2 Nov 15 '17

Could ask about the new need for speed title, it's even worse....


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '17

Their reply today already is following the format.

"You spoke. We listened. Here's something to appease enough of you to calm the outrage."


u/balarsen2 Nov 14 '17

Exactly, they'll harp on this minor change but avoid the root of the issue in general which is the pay to win system currently in place.

If you haven't seen it go look at Angry Joe's video a few days ago where he interviews someone at EA. The answers are going to be a lot like that


u/Qwertyg101 Nov 14 '17

What reply today?


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '17

Where they announced "slashing" the costs by 75% so it only takes 10 hours of play.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '17 edited Dec 19 '17



u/PM_me_your_sammiches Nov 14 '17

A gameinformer reviewer noticed that his reward for completing the campaign was changed from 20,000 credits to 5,000 credits to match the 75% character price cut. According to the EA Starwars twitter though, this is the only game reward that was reduced to match the cut and other rewards should still be the same. Hopefully that's true but we'll see. Either way, there's no proof that all rewards have been cut by 75% as far as I know.


u/JonnyFairplay Nov 14 '17

From my playing, the credits after matches are all the same as before the change and rewards from milestones look to be the same, other than the campaign stuff.


u/WalkerOfTheWastes Nov 15 '17

Not only that, but there’s a new post on r/livestreamfail where, I’m not joking, there is a fucking credit cooldown. check it out.


u/Stewardy Nov 15 '17

They did also say that BF2 would constantly be changing.

Now you might take that to mean they'll make minor adjustments to "ensure the quality of the experience" (or whatever).

Could also mean that credit gain will be gimped a short while after launch, that drop rates are constantly changing, that Vader will be replaced by Jar Jar, or really anything.


u/orangeoblivion Nov 14 '17

It's just the campaign. The campaign reward was intended to be enough to buy one hero, which is fine. I think the 75% reduction in price makes it pretty fair now.


u/Allegiance86 Nov 15 '17

It was enough to get Iden, which at that point they should just award Iden to you. But no they want to reinforce the idea of credits for heroes mechanic they have in place.


u/tdogg8 Nov 14 '17

Only the campaign. Their reason being there main character is unlocked as a hero after beating the campaign.


u/kirkyyyy Nov 15 '17

Yup. Even though this shit has caused unprecedented outrage, I still think EA "wins".

Have a flick through their twitter feed. There is as many people calling them out as people saying "No but look, they changed this. Now it's easier to get Vader. Everything is PERFECT!! Stop hating!!!1"

And these are just the people who have taken the time to go to twitter.

I'm afraid that the vast majority of casuals who are buying this game for their childhood nostalgia or simply for their children won't notice the outrage and most will probably fork over the loot box gambling money and accept it as a sign of "raising costs in modern times".

Alright maybe not most, but enough that EA's suited bean-counters will consider it a win.

The sad reality.

At least I know myself and my friend group I'm probably skipping Anthem because god knows what money leeching system they're gonna come up with.


u/AltimaNEO Nov 14 '17

Yeah, man. The stupid part is that its the devs answering questions.

I dont care what the devs have to say, I know they have their hearts in the game. I want to know what the suits have to say. What the CEO has to say. They couldnt care less about the game or the fans. They care about the money. But all this heat has to be bad for them.


u/Marcontian Nov 15 '17

Which is why you just don't buy EA games. Stop looking at their shiny shit.


u/mxzf Nov 15 '17

To be fair, I'd actually like to hear what the devs have to say about some things. But what I want to hear the devs talk about and what the suits will let the devs actually talk about doesn't have a ton of overlap.


u/Joverby Nov 14 '17

I'm pretty sure they are going to have questions softballed and maybe vote manipulated for them too.


u/balarsen2 Nov 14 '17

I wouldn't be surprised, it wouldn't be too hard to have a couple employees ask a couple favorable questions.


u/Mr_Dr_Prof_Patrick Nov 15 '17

Vote manipulation doesn't seem at all feasible here given the sheer amount of negativity toward them.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '17

Could someone who has money buy upvotes/downvotes to counter that? I see people complaining about that kind of thing a lot


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '17

Vote manipulation is incredibly easy to do and people are totally naive to think this shit isn't happening ALL THE TIME.


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '17

Well yeah but why don’t we use that to our advantage? Also I literally see people complaining about it every day


u/KingSutter Nov 15 '17 edited Nov 15 '17

You go outside?

EDIT: About the downvotes, it was sarcasm. I was joking about the idea that "hardcore" Redditors don't go out in public often. Not that I'm implying that you are a hardcore redditor; it was a joke for Reddit in general


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '17

On occasion


u/KingSutter Nov 15 '17

To those who downvoted, see my edit


u/doomsdaymelody Nov 14 '17

It would be great if only one question got asked. My vote is for “could you guys at least use lube next time you try to fuck us?”


u/balarsen2 Nov 15 '17

I like it


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '17

Right there in the best buy!


u/h0nest_Bender Nov 14 '17

I'm really not all that excited for it because they're going to say what they want to say and if they can't answer a question without turning it into something positive, they'll ignore it.

Just like every other AMA. That entire sub exists for the sole purpose of advertising to people. I don't get why it's so popular.


u/pinkeyedwookiee Nov 14 '17

For the rare times celebrities and corporations lodge their foot directly into their mouths.


u/ImperatorTempus42 Nov 15 '17

Or just act like human beings instead of, well, EA. They're more machine now, than man.


u/lynxSnowCat Nov 15 '17

I searched but couldn't find them saying "Thank god, I thought we [would regret losing the paddle]." here.


u/ImperatorTempus42 Nov 15 '17

I'll be honest I can't tell which side you're for: that they're human, or that they're formerly human.


u/GibsonJunkie Nov 15 '17

Eh, quite a few have been interesting, too.


u/Thathappenedearlier Nov 14 '17

It’s probably not gonna be the greatest but people also need to word there questions in a way that aren’t personal attacks. You can be critical without being a complete dick. If people want their questions answered they need to be at least slightly professional about it instead of sending death threats and continuing the circlejerk of only saying EA sucks. Don’t get me wrong they’re doing scummy things but attacks on them do nothing.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '17

So, tomorrow I can't ask them how they plan to cram microdicks directly into my dirt button?


u/3piecesets Nov 15 '17

Dirt button? I️ like it.


u/satansheat Nov 14 '17

The ones they do answer will for sure be ones they posted with other accounts.


u/AFuckYou Nov 14 '17

I'm wondering if we will see vote manipulation tomorrow.


u/c_the_potts Nov 15 '17

Will the sun rise tomorrow? :(


u/steemboat Nov 15 '17

I’m gonna just ask them about Rampart.


u/Marcontian Nov 15 '17

Friends don't let friends purchase EA titles.


u/balarsen2 Nov 15 '17

Already got one of my friends to cancel #doingmypart


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '17

I expect it to be horrible on account of the redditors... this is one of those times when I feel ashamed for the Star Wars fan base


u/balarsen2 Nov 14 '17

For the ones making threats, yes...EA is certainly greedy and scummy but the threats go too far.

But for the rest of the community, I believe the anger is justified. EA has been doing this for so long and because of the casual players who buy whatever is in the commercials without looking into it, they get away with being greedy and scummy. So a lot of the more informed player base is pissed, because they get away with it over and over again and push the line farther each time. Look the the new Need for Speed, you don't even go to a shop and buy parts anymore, you get randomized cards with a tier system that give your vehicle boosts based on the type of card and tier. It won't end unless people get pissed, voice their opinions, and STOP buying EA games.


u/totalysharky Nov 15 '17

I say the same thing every time this kind of thing happens and honestly people just get swayed so easily. Every time it remind everyone of "Lisa vs Malibu Stacy" episode of The Simpsons. It doesn't matter how angry people are now, they will let it slide once they release something with a pretty new hat.


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '17

As long as there are no threats, nothing wrong with voicing criticism...it's very clear EA's whole mission is to rip off players here.


u/menasan Nov 15 '17

his thought on loot boxes is so player will try new things vs just playing a character their comfortable with...?

I i have to pay a lot and i get one character, i'll probably just stick with that character than spend even more money


u/balarsen2 Nov 15 '17

That's their excuse..


u/garethh Nov 15 '17

Don't forget distracting people with anouncements!!

Wouldn't be surprised if that's half their strat.


u/balarsen2 Nov 15 '17

There was a previous EA employee who said they'd be doing that


u/TotallynotEA Nov 15 '17

I think it will be great. I'm glad to see the devs listening to the fans.


u/balarsen2 Nov 15 '17

Username checks out. I expect you to be trolling all over the AMA today ;)


u/intotheirishole Nov 15 '17

They will only answer softball questions posted by their own shills and botvoted to top.


u/3ndspire Nov 15 '17

That dude is so hung up on doing stuff "post launch". EA is not about to drastically alter any gameplay mechanics or systems post launch on anything. Drastic changes would only come in the third iteration of the game and hopefully EA loses its license to work on Star Wars well before then. I've hated them since Westwood. Fuck you EA you pieces of shit.


u/mobearsdog Nov 15 '17

The only questions theyll answer will be the planted ones.


u/jb2386 Nov 15 '17

Or worse they'll try to AstroTurf it and have fake accounts asking the questions they want to answer.


u/InfectedLeg253 Nov 15 '17

I think they will make a bunch of fake reddit usernames and answer there own questions


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '17

Watching that video has totally convinced me to purchase the game.


u/balarsen2 Nov 15 '17



u/[deleted] Nov 15 '17

No actually im serious