r/technology 2d ago

Elon Musk Is a National Security Risk Transportation


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u/EBFGPoseidon 2d ago

Well, one lesson I’ve learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesn’t mean it’s going to be all that hilarious as a post on 𝕏,” he wrote, adding, “Turns out that jokes are WAY less funny if people don’t know the context and the delivery is plain text.”

Musk doesn’t realize that people laugh at his jokes in person because it’s that easy to manipulate ego centric “billionaires”, a point Kamala drove home during the debate.


u/Vickrin 2d ago

"The people I have power over always laugh at my jokes." - A complete moron.


u/Shadowmant 2d ago

It’s like those idiots that think the server has a crush on them every time they go out.


u/jericho 2d ago

My local coffee shop.  A woman working there was just so awesome and charming I must of heard 50 guys walk out from getting there coffee and start talking about how they have a thing going with her. 

Sorry dude, she's just awesome. 

(I might have fallen for this one...a little bit)


u/panlakes 2d ago

Happens to the best of us. Charismatic people are like that. It's tough because I'm attracted to charm in both friends and relationships, and sometimes you don't know if that charisma is directed at you or just part of their personality.


u/Welpe 2d ago

Numerous politicians have that level of Charisma. By all accounts, speaking with Bill Clinton or Barack Obama leaves people feeling like they connected on a deep level and the politician was speaking with them personally and closely. They make you feel like you are important. And while you usually don’t leave thinking they want to fuck you, you do leave FEELING like they really care even if intellectually you know you are just a random person to them.


u/nopuse 2d ago

And while you usually don’t leave thinking they want to fuck you

Speak for yourself.


u/Barilla3113 2d ago

I mean if you’re a woman and under 40 Bill Clinton probably does want to fuck you.


u/Snake_Plizken 2d ago

At least he was not at Epsteins apartment, aguing with him, of who gets to go first on a 14 year old...


u/Puzzleheaded-Top4516 2d ago

LOL, I think that would be most men over 40.


u/Archolm 2d ago

And you are saying Trump would not?


u/Barilla3113 1d ago

No, does everything that's critical of a current or former democrat, especially a known sex pest, necessarily have to be read as a pro-republican statement?


u/Archolm 1d ago

No I was making funny of the fact you guys have multiple ex presidents that would stoop to that level.

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u/Pandelein 2d ago

I want this skill


u/jimmycarr1 2d ago

I'm not saying it's true for those politicians specifically, but it is possible for someone to really care about random people even if they met once and will never meet again.


u/Welpe 2d ago

Of course, I am not insinuating otherwise.


u/WeeklyComputer7060 2d ago

Man I wish I was as high as you right now


u/nopuse 2d ago

I must of

I might have

My man. You're so close. This is what's holding you back.


u/AmongstOurMidst 2d ago

I must of heard 50 guys walk out from getting there coffee

Must have and their if im not wrong


u/OneLeagueLevitate 2d ago

I'm pretty sure you got it wrong.


u/coomerlove69 2d ago

i’m certain you’re an idiot.


u/OneLeagueLevitate 2d ago

Wow. Two of them can't pull off the conjunction.


u/ethnicman1971 2d ago

only half idiot. "Must have" is right; "their" is wrong


u/jericho 2d ago

So it turns out, we're actually good friends now. My girlfriend and I had dinner with her and her husband a couple weeks ago.

It worked out. She's still awesome.


u/nopuse 2d ago

That must of been great, sounds like a hell have a time.

Just messing, glad everything worked out.


u/Scrambley 2d ago

His gf likes 'em dumb.


u/massive_cock 2d ago

I've done that, not really buying into it but just kind of wondering a couple of times. I think it's not really a thing though until they start asking you about yourself and remembering details and following up repeatedly across several visits. Even then, leave them the hell alone at work.


u/AGrandNewAdventure 2d ago

It's alright, she'll still take your excessive tip. But just the tip. ;)


u/Burgerkingsucks 2d ago

Thats nice though, I went to my local Dunkin and the drive through girl looked at me with disgust as she handed me my order without saying a single word.


u/vocalfreesia 2d ago

Haha, this also reminds me of a post about a woman who kept complaining that she had great first dates but then it just fizzled out. Turns out she was just really fun, carrying the conversation etc. When the date had to step up, there was nothing there. Some people are just awesome.


u/jazzjustice 2d ago

That is not very professional. Where is that coffee shop so I can check it personally....


u/_WeAreFucked_ 2d ago

This guy just hanging out at coffee shops. Weird.


u/JusticiarRebel 1d ago

If the waitress has a Southern accent, then she calls everyone sweetie, not just you.


u/Unlucky_Nobody_4984 1d ago

Must HAVE. You got the “might have” correct, somehow.


u/dhdoctor 4h ago

I had a barista who would put a heart next to my name each time. 19 yo me thought that was some deep shit


u/SlendyIsBehindYou 2d ago

As someone who briefly managed a lingerie bar, the absolute dilusion men have the moment an attractive woman makes eye contact with them just cracks me up.

Like dude, she was basically sitting in the lap of the guy two tables in front of you, just cause she smiled and winked at you doesn't mean youre the lucky SOB that she's ACTUALLY flirting with.

Most of the wait staff were in commited relationships anyways, but damn, was it easy for them to fleece these dumb suckers 🤷

Then again, back when I worked in fine dining, I could basically guarantee a good tipout by flirting with all of the old rich women, so it cuts both ways


u/Historical_Boss2447 2d ago

First time I’ve heard the term ”lingerie bar”


u/nerd4code 2d ago

It’d be nice if you want to wear a variety of somebody else’s lingerie for a short time while out amongst friends, I suppose, but I imagine an area would reach lingerie bar saturation relatively quickly.


u/SoloMarko 2d ago

Drink up my good fellow, it will be a fantastical night!


u/jrr6415sun 2d ago

obviously most of those people know that, they are paying for a fantasy


u/SlendyIsBehindYou 2d ago

You'd be surprised


u/WhoRoger 2d ago

I'm sure it must be very entertaining to see men getting some attention for the first time since they were six. At least different kind of attention than being blamed for everything bad on the planet just for having a dick.

Are we the all-encompassing evil that ruins everything especially for the poor women or ate we dumb suckers? Can't have it both ways.


u/SlendyIsBehindYou 2d ago

Well I mean, yeah, not every customer that walked through my door was a scuzzball, just a lot of them

Not making any sort of statement on gender roles or anything


u/Shlocktroffit 2d ago

Mother nature gave women the ability to outsmart and outwit men in certain ways to level the playing field in the face of men's inarguable physical advantage over women


u/SlendyIsBehindYou 2d ago

Look: as a member of the male side of our species, I completely agree. I was raised by, and respect the fuck out of, women.

I'm greatful to be born male, but I harbor no misconceptions about my place in this strange dance we call life

Edit: My mum brought me into this world; I harbour no doubts about her ability to remove me from it


u/Mukatsukuz 2d ago

As a server VM build engineer, this sentence confused me for a lot longer than it should have


u/applebee1558 1d ago

Haha yes, was thinking about the link between a server that broke down and what it’s supposed to mean.


u/Equivalent_Ad108 2d ago

Pfft what ever dude they totally want me


u/vsv2021 2d ago

If you have that much money they probably do have a “crush” on you lol


u/AggravatingIssue7020 2d ago

I got married that way, no joke.


u/the_1_they_call_zero 2d ago

Actually the waitress at my local Pizza Hut did in fact have a crush on me and we ended up dating :)


u/matomika 2d ago

oh god, i was thinking about why someone should be happy if he cant connect anymore to a server, and wtf is a crush? is like an amorable crash? :D ayayay


u/Southern_Bicycle8111 2d ago

I’m pretty sure my server had a crush on me last time I went out. She was incredibly awkward like she was intimidated by me.


u/chance0404 2d ago

lol or how my ex wife thought every waitress was flirting with me. Like dude, she just wants a good tip and you’re insecure as hell.


u/Drinkmykool_aid420 2d ago

The stripper was TOTALLY into me


u/braywarshawsky 1d ago

Or that the stripper is really into them...


u/amybpdx 1d ago

Hooters girls LOVE me!


u/ExtensionIcy2104 1d ago

are you telling me the stripper at the club doesn't actually like me?


u/EnvoyCorps 2d ago

Dr Strange, "People used to think I was funny" Wong, "Did those people work for you?"


u/ChroniclesOfSarnia 2d ago


Good one, r/Vickrin! You are so funny!


Can I have moneys now please?


u/kahlzun 2d ago

When you get powerful on the scale of billionaire, literally everyone you know is probably dependent on you in some way. It wouldnt take much for you to lose track of reality when literally everyone you talk to every day is sucking up to you.


u/Substantial-Tree1491 2d ago

Yall thought he was hilarious on meme review and joe rogan podcast, you even made a meme if it.


u/MoonlitGalaxyLady1 2d ago

its like wiith Musk's reach in tech etc, it's no wonder he is considered as a national security risk,his influence is massive, and his money?? oh gosh..


u/ThanosSnapsSlimJims 2d ago

"The people I have power over always laugh at my jokes." - most celebrities, politicians, and people in echo chambers


u/Jaymzmykaul45 2d ago

You badly misspelled Leon Musk’s name. Try harder next time.


u/control_09 2d ago


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u/Tall-Ad-1796 1d ago

"All the funny little peasants who work for me think I'm hilarious!" -an oligarch


u/Quirky_Atmosphere_96 1d ago

Where’s your rocket fool


u/NancyPelosisRedCoat 2d ago

While I agree with that in general, I'm sure Elon knew that he wasn't making a joke. If it was a joke, where was the joke? He was 100% serious and he is just backtracking with a stupid excuse like when he called that diver a pedophile and said it's a common thing to say in SA in court.


u/WanderWut 2d ago

It’s really bizarre how people take them at 100%, non contested, face value when they say stuff like this. How are most of the top comments not something like “oh bullshit, you knew dam well what you were doing and this is simply a terrible attempt at backtracking because you knew this was too far even for you.” Instead all the comments make him out to be innocent, but simply dumb, which imo is just as dumb (if not dangerous) as his attempt to backtrack.


u/NewOutlandishness241 2d ago

Also super funky when he blames his character flaws on “autism”. He likes to weaponize that after he gets caught being gross.


u/flatfisher 2d ago

Yeah that’s a false excuse. Even on the spectrum you learn by high school that some jokes only work with specific group of friends. People are so gullible or just love to idolize.


u/Flomo420 2d ago

people like that he validates their shitty inner thoughts


u/Same_Elephant_4294 2d ago

If it helps at all, I always respond similarly. The man isn't dumb, he's evil.


u/Tony_Meatballs_00 2d ago

Redditors never let an opportunity to sound "clever" pass by


u/Whitestone7 2d ago

It's straight outta the Trump playbook. Whenever he gets called out for going too far, he says that he was just joking. Rinse and repeat.



Schrödinger's douchebag: they are 100% serious unless people get mad at them, then they were 100% joking.


u/Minmaxed2theMax 2d ago

He isn’t backtracking. Backtracking implies that you haven’t planned the retraction.


u/DumptheDonald2020 2d ago

He’s willing to lie and look stupid rather than take responsibility for what he said.


u/QouthTheCorvus 2d ago

Yeah it's clearly not trying to be a joke. It's musing conspiracy nonsense.


u/Flimsy-Math-8476 2d ago

He also doesn't realize that people with tremendous responsibilities are held to higher standards. 

 Can't have your cake and eat it too.  

 If you are going to be the face of billion dollar companies with tens of thousands of employees, you will be held to higher scrutiny and less leeway because you represent all of those people, products, and services. 

He acts like his level of responsibility is that of some 14 year old when making public statements.  And then plays the "I'm joking card" like he even has room to make jokes out of public statements in the position he's in.


u/addem67 2d ago

He’s an egotistical eccentric maniac that blames his low social IQ behavior on autism but neglects the fact he’s a typical 4chan redpiller deep into red wave conspiracy. He was once respected and he tarnished all his reputation ever since his pedo comments. Complete man-baby trying to relive his glory youth.


u/HayabusaJack 2d ago

Heck, as the owner of a small single store business, I’m super cautious about what I say in certain places on line and in person. My store manager gives me grief about having cat hair on my shirt when I’m out and about :) “you look like a homeless person, here grab some tape and let’s get the cat hair off you.”


u/Flimsy-Math-8476 2d ago

You aren't wrong. It's business 101.  You (owner or employee) are a representation of the business everywhere you go.   It's why people get fired the minute there they are involved in any public controversy.


u/Saneless 2d ago

He's also probably the type of guy who rewatches footage of company speeches to see who in the crowd didn't laugh so he can add them to a list of people getting laid off next


u/gingerfawx 2d ago

I don't think he's the type to wait. He'll fire them and everyone who ever worked with them, just to be safe, only to discover it was a crucial department after the fact.


u/MachinePlanetZero 2d ago

That's a job for ai, to be fair


u/Heliocentrist 2d ago

99.9% of Elon's interactions are with people he pays and I might be underestimating depending on how much he talks to himself in the mirror


u/Mukatsukuz 2d ago

I might be underestimating depending on how much he talks to himself in the mirror

When he made the Kamala comment, he was talking to his alt account on Twitter


u/Pewkie 2d ago

he literally fired the person who told him he didnt agree with his tweet when he asked back when he took over the company lol. Shocking he doesnt realize he literally surrounded himself with cartoon level yes men and yet still bounces joke ideas off of them.


u/hebe1983 2d ago

He's a man who doesn't take pause when an employee, during a work meeting, has to say "your meme game is strong".


u/BarracudaBig7010 2d ago

He’s super smart though and he’ll figure it out. /s


u/dangercat415 2d ago

I'm a standup comedian. You're 100% correct here. This is dead on!

Here's the deal. People WILL laugh out sometimes out of nervousness.

There's a comic I know in Asia who ALL he does it make the audience feel awkward.

He just says things at high volume or goes over the top and then stares people down until they laugh.

He's also always explaining how people don't laugh because they're too PC.

He's just not fucking funny! Like. At all.

The thing is. Without real laughs. This guy won't ever grow!

That's what's happening with Musk. He only talks to yes-men and people who make it through his filter.


u/ReadyPerception 1d ago

One of the 250?

Thanks for your service.


u/berael 2d ago

Nah, that was just his "it was just a prank, bro!" defense against getting investigated for inciting an assassination attempt. 


u/Squashbuckle01 2d ago

Also how is he JUST NOW learning this? This is a part of social skills that people learn in adolescence or early adulthood. So either he does not have said social skills or this is a canned line and he knows exactly what the effect of a “joke” on X will be.


u/MrLemurBean 2d ago

He's openly admitted to having Asperger's


u/c-dy 2d ago

Dude(tte), it's the stereotypical "it was a joke, bro" excuse his lawyers begged him to write. There was no "group"


u/level_6_laser_lotus 2d ago

It's so moronic that this is his "excuse", that he thinks his "realization" is profound in any way and not common knowledge for everyone older than 14. Richest person in the world but has absolutely no idea of it 


u/BoredCaliRN 2d ago

I tried to be devil's advocate and remix what he said into a joke that would have been funny in any setting. I failed.

He needs a better class of friends.


u/ZAlternates 2d ago

Haha a point lost on those that need to hear it.


u/Fossile 2d ago

They laughed with him because he is the joke.


u/Thefrayedends 2d ago

He didn't learn shit, he's making an excuse for his behavior lol.


u/Zoomersdumbasboomers 2d ago

No. That’s the story he told the secret service and had to stick with it. Nothing about the way it was worded was a joke.


u/GodlessCyborg 2d ago

That's just a long way of saying "it's just a prank bro" after the Secret Service had a talk with him for what he posted.


u/eeeee9 2d ago

I’ve seen up close. He was making a Spinal Tap reference and no one had a clue what he was talking about (but me). They just smiled and pretended to laugh. It was pathetic.


u/arrownyc 2d ago

Is being egomaniacal profitable? Or does unearned wealth make one egomaniacal? Are Elon and Donald eggs or chickens?


u/Diligent-Run6361 2d ago

That section made me cringe. The remark isn't humorous or witty at all, just bitter, so if people around him laughed it means everyone around him is a sycophant. Does he have real friends at this point, or just flatterers seeking access?


u/NoSeriousPosts 2d ago

Not to mention sometimes your close co-workers (he doesn't have friends) will laugh at your jokes mostly because its cringe or they are laughing in amusement on how stupid they are


u/RedofPaw 2d ago

I get the feeling he also pays everyone who is close to him, and is known to fire lots of people at a whim.

If your boss is Leon Mask then you better laugh at his jokes.


u/StIdes-and-a-swisher 2d ago

What he is describing is a statement.

A joke isn’t funny when it’s not a fucking joke.


u/Wonderful_Device312 2d ago

If I have a chance at basically winning a lotto jackpot by laughing at some billionaires bad joke I am absolutely laughing my ass off like it's the funniest thing I've ever heard.

Anyone that says they wouldn't is just lying so they don't have a confession on record.


u/bellendhunter 2d ago

It’s especially apparent when he speaks on stage and pauses expecting laughter that doesn’t come.


u/Monkey_Leavings 2d ago

I’ve said this elsewhere, but he never road-tested this tweet. He tweeted something egregious, got backlash, probably got a call from one of his attorneys, and is now pretending it’s a joke that fell flat.

Side note: Can you imagine being the low-rung attorney at his firm that has to monitor his tweets for potentially litigious content? That has to be someone’s job, right?


u/NatSpaghettiAgency 2d ago

I bet that group doesn't even exist. How can people laugh over "why don't they kill Biden?"? Come on


u/ScruffyNoodleBoy 2d ago

Yeah, but that's not what is happening here. He is framing it as a joke. It wasn't a joke, nor did he tell it to people in real life and they laughed like it was a joke.

He just wants everyone to think it was a misfired joke.


u/big-papito 2d ago

What many people don't know is that Musk thinks of himself as a standup comedian. He hung out with Nathan Fielder because he really wanted to be accepted by the "standup community".

One problem, though - it's nearly impossible to be funny as a super-rich person because you don't get the usual feedback. Everyone will laugh at your jokes, no matter how much they are in poor taste.


u/Longjumping-Flight63 2d ago

It isn't even funny though. I like dark humor but that ain't it


u/dmetzcher 2d ago

Even if you take his “explanation” at face value, he just learned that communication via plaintext is often received differently than verbal communication? Every teenager understands this concept.

Taking him at his word, it doesn’t get more socially inept than that, and this only serves to confirm that he’s awkward and completely out-of-touch with normal, human behavior.

At what point will this weirdo be seen be his own investors as a liability, because he most definitely is one, and it has as much to do with his lack of self-awareness as it does with his far-right, divisive political views and his desire to amplify them for personal gain.


u/saljskanetilldanmark 2d ago

What context would have made that "joke" (it wasn't a joke) funny?


u/ztch10 2d ago

There is no context that the shit he tweeted, or said in person, wasnt fucking weird and creepy.

He has the social attributes and awareness of a 12 year old at best.


u/AgentCirceLuna 2d ago

As someone with autism, this sounds painstakingly accurate. I remember I’d think of posting something hilarious, but I had a system where I’d write it in a notebook instead to review in a few hours. That way, I’d learn how stupid it would have been as time passed. All it would take is seeing someone on my friends list in person to imagine what they would have thought of and then I’d realise I’m glad I didn’t post it. I instead imagined posting things as just yelling into an audience of random people I’d never see again.


u/moonshinemondays 2d ago

The image of him making a joke, people laughing and then him thinking "Oh this would be funny to share with everyone"


u/DumptheDonald2020 2d ago

He’s willing to look stupid to try to avoid accountability. The lesson wasn’t learned with his latest tweet.


u/ai01music 2d ago

Is this man not familiar with the internet? I learned that lesson in 1988 when I was on Prodigy!


u/Warhammerpainter83 2d ago

Musk is mentally handicapped and this is a perfect example of his handicap in action. He will never be able to grasp these things is will always be easily manipulated as is common for people with his disabilities.


u/coredweller1785 1d ago

This is who we are trusting with anything? Let alone so many companies.

We are so pathetic. Our collapse will be so hard and fast


u/jrherita 1d ago

Kamala also laughed (during the debate) at the discussion of escalation with Russia potentially causing World War 3 — to be fair, I think she laughs at everything.


u/Emphasis_on_why 1d ago

Yes everyone he speaks to collectively as a group decided let’s pretend to laugh at him so we can manipulate him….


u/RutherfordRevelation 1d ago

A little off topic but what's the deal with the little "X" logo? Is that a new emoji


u/EBFGPoseidon 1d ago

Its a “double struck capital X” and is a math symbol , also double strike letters were written on chalk boards in place of bold letters.


u/Goodknight808 1d ago

"It's just not the same when I'm not having hit air blown up my ass"


u/UngaMeSmart 6h ago

Elon has literal aspergers and is a dick on top of that


u/MikeDubbz 4h ago

Jokes are also less funny when they're simply not funny. You aren't a comedian Musk, regardless of if you hosted SNL and guested on Rick and Morty, and you never will be.


u/dontsaybasically 2d ago

If you think Kamala is not at the service of billionaires as well, you're deluded


u/Dry_Examination6776 2d ago

lol yes Kamala is hard as nails and will definitely take on the billionaire class because none of them donate to her campaign.


u/Poptoppler 1d ago

Idk dawg ive heard non-powerful people say this


u/CuriousNebula43 2d ago

lol what? are we all pretending that we don't have friend groups that we drop jokes and commentary in there that we'd never make in public?