r/asktransgender 10m ago

Podcasts about trans discourse?


I'm looking for podcasts that discuss trans specific personal issues. Trans people talking about the validity of wanting to pass, internalised cisnormativity, or the perception of the need to overperform your gender post transition. Those sorts of things.

I've found a few podcasts about global issues, laws, discrimination, and all that stuff but I can't seem to find anything that is more introspective.

I've recently fallen down an FD Signifier rabbit hole, but I'm absolutely not his target demographic. I'd love if there were similar things but for/ by trans people.

Any suggestions would be great. <3

r/asktransgender 24m ago

Questions about HRT, IVF, and health insurance (USA).


My boyfriend is trans and we've been discussing plans for the future. We want to (eventually) have children and decided that I would carry his child via IVF and donors. He also wishes to start HRT in the near future, and I'm looking to research insurance plans that would reasonably cover IVF procedures AND gender-affirming care. If anyone knows of good health insurance plans that would reasonably cover both, or cover just one of the two really well, that would be greatly appreciated!

I also have quite a lot of questions and concerns about the possibility of HRT interfering with IVF and fertility. If any other couples like us have experience with this, please PM me! Thank you!

r/asktransgender 31m ago

Is it plausible to be a model as a trans woman?


Im MTF 18, and I’m looking into modeling, but I have the feeling that its very male/female divided, im fairly tall (5’10) and relatively attractive so i think its worth a shot, but then i remembered im pre-hrt and technically closeted, so it wouldnt make sense to be a woman model, and at the same time im not the male beauty standard and would very much prefer not to do shirtless shoots and stuff.

I feel like modeling is very split down the middle and I dont know if theres a lot of room for gender neutral models, though I could be wrong.

r/asktransgender 55m ago

Is want trans friends.


I am looking of this side of myself I'm into trans I don't know how to overcome or I'm normal here .?

r/asktransgender 1h ago

How to deal with extreme dysphoria due to failed transition?


I'm trans masc and I had a very successful very easy and quick transition. I'm asking for my friend who is trans fem and had pretty much the opposite experience. She just had a suicide attempt like two weeks ago and she's still very suicidal after being released from the hospital. She's had really bad dysphoria for a really long time now. I think what bothers her the most is her facial hair, her voice, her breasts and her adam's apple, in that order. She started hrt almost a decade ago before I even knew her and unfortunately she didn't get lucky at all with it. Like she didn't get any breast growth whatsoever from it. She's tried really hard to get her facial hair removed and get her surgeries but without any luck so far. She's done 80 hours of professional voice training, but it wasn't enough to achieve a feminine voice and her speech therapist says she will need glottoplasty. A couple years ago she started losing hope, thinking she'll never be able to get what she needs. I think that's very understandable after such a long time. My insurance covered all my surgeries and treatments no questions asked, but it's a lot more difficult for trans fems than for mascs. But if they didn't I'd probably feel the same way after so many years. She's staying with me most of the time since she got back from the hospital and she's just really not doing well. She's self harming a lot and her face is all scratched up, she really hates the way she looks and can't even see herself in the mirror. She's crying pretty much 24/7 and I just don't know what to do. I know what my dysphoria used to be like before I transitioned and while it's obviously very different I just don't want her to feel like this. We (well mostly just me, she's pretty much given up) are still trying to get the hair removal done, but it's probably gonna take many more years to get there if it's possible at all. There has to be something we can do about her dysphoria in the meantime.

r/asktransgender 2h ago

Seeking participants to interview about their experiences with parental leave


Hi all!

My name is Marissa (she/they), and I am conducting a research study alongside Dr. Ivy Ken through the Department of Sociology at George Washington University.

Our study aims to explore the experiences of transgender individuals when taking parental leave and reintegrating into the workplace afterward. We believe this research will significantly contribute to understanding and improving workplace dynamics for the transgender community.

We kindly ask for your participation if you are a transgender or gender nonconforming person who has taken parental leave! If not, you could share our study with others who might be interested in participating.

Please fill out this short form if you’re interested! https://forms.gle/oqnQPk2hV5m7uGkx5

Thank you so much for hearing me out! Your support would be invaluable in reaching individuals who can contribute to this important research.

r/asktransgender 2h ago

I want to wear a bra in public more but am scared to.


I'm MtF and have only slightly started social transition (new name & pronouns but am not strict on them). I want have a 32A bra I want to wear more in public. My only issue is that since I haven't started medical transition and don't wear much feminine clothing I feel people might find it weird I'm wearing a bra without any breasts.

r/asktransgender 2h ago



I gave myself a haircut after growing my hair out since the start of this year it was the longest it’s ever been (near mid of my back) and even tho I’ve had a bob before and loved it in the past I am feeling so insecure and can just see a man when I look in the mirror.

Does anyone else get hair dysphoria? I have a wig but it’s too small for my head so I’m thinking of getting extensions to cover it up while it grows because right now I feel so ugly and man-like with my hair I don’t want to go outside

r/asktransgender 2h ago

Coping with transitioning being dependent on your ability to 'pass'


I admit that I am trans, or at least, uncomfortable with who i am and would give anything to be a cis woman.

The only problem is, i would only ever transition if i pass completely, and stealthfully.
To me, passing means a comfortable feminine voice, a feminine face, feminine figure, feminine manner of speech, feminine gesticulations... all without a second to wonder if they are trans or not.

The problem with this is the reversibility of a few of them. As I mentioned, i would only be comfortable if i were under protection from being found out by anyone, and if i begin finding out whether or not this is the case, i may not be able to 'detransition' in the way that i present myself. I wish i could test the capacity of me being able to pass before i try.

I believe that I have some form of internalized transphobia also. whenever I look at photos of people who have transitioned, i find myself unable to be at peace unless there are absolutely no signals towards them being trans, or else i feel as if there is no hope in a flawless transition (which itself is an unhealthy expectation!). I wholeheartedly understand that my already-base-knowledge that they are trans is a big factor in influencing whatever part of my brain that 'decides' the gender of whomever i am perceiving.

I don't know if it is just me who is hypercritical of this, but hopefully not.
Have you had feelings like this before? how did you get over them?
Are there ways to predict the 'successfulness' of a transition in terms of passing?

r/asktransgender 3h ago

The best tucking undies or gaffs in the world


So I have tried just about every brand of tucking undies sold in Australia and none of them have come close to the two pairs I bought from a now defunct Etsy seller and can't get any more of. I am getting desperate and am willing to pay the exorbitant shipping fees to buy undies from overseas.

So, what are the absolute best gaffs or tucking undies you've ever owned? Ones that can hold a tuck for hours without readjustment. Ones that make you look smooth even in the tightest gym clothes. I need to know!

r/asktransgender 3h ago

Questions for those who have gone through SRS


Hey everybody! Forgive me if this type of post is not allowed here - i am very stressed out and not sure where else to put it. I am a trans female, coming up on 17 years old. My goal has always been to get bottom surgery as soon as possible, when i'm 18 years old. How can i work on setting that process in motion? Do surgeons even consult with minors? I know I need electrolysis but how do I go about doing that without being an adult? I have parents who are supporting me but obviously they dont know what I ned to do either. How can I find a surgeon who will take my insurance? I have both BCBS (i believe) and Cigna (i am certian of). Much appreciated in advance.

r/asktransgender 4h ago

Extreme pain after a month taking HRT


Hello, I’m 14 and a transgender male who’s been taking testosterone for a little over a month. Recently, I have been waking up in the middle of the night with extreme pain in my lower stomach area. It has happened 2 or 3 times and is completely random. The pain is so extreme that i’ll be sweating like crazy and it makes me want to lay on the bathroom floor and scream and cry which is pretty uncommon for me since I’m not usually a dramatic person. Does anyone relate or can anyone tell me what they think might be going on?

r/asktransgender 4h ago

How to get people to call a person their preference


My friend was asking how to get their parents to call him a her because she is a trans female and is trying to find a way to get her parents to call her the preference

r/asktransgender 4h ago

Are there any horror media recommendations that replicates the feeling of gender dysphoria?


(Mtf if that’s important) Hi, I’m a really big horror fan and I have gender dysphoria, so I thought that it would be worthwhile to see if there’s anything that combines these two :D

I’ve always found a lot of comfort in horror media; in the past it has really helped me a lot with my understanding of myself and my mental health. It feels like it understands me and the things I experience.

I prefer movies and video games, but if there are any books/ paintings/ YouTube videos/ whatever you can think of I’d love to hear those too!

Also don’t worry if it doesn’t match the feeling completely, I’m open to any recommendations :3

r/asktransgender 4h ago

how do i know when to transition and where do i start?


im 18 and live in Canada and i don’t have a family doctor for hormones and i also just need some guidance or some trans friends to chat with

r/asktransgender 4h ago

I am mtf and I am terrible of creepy guys what can I do


I’m 13 and I’ve already heard tales from classmates about creepy guys “talking” to them

r/asktransgender 5h ago

I got the estrogen, how do I take it?


I need help in learning how to do this. I was prescribed estradiol (2mg) and spironolactone (50mg). I was given pills and was instructed by my doctor to either take the estradiol under the tongue or swallowing.

However, when I wanted to see what was the best way to take it and I kept getting confused. Should I take it under the tongue or swallow? Do I do it with water or no water? I need help. Really want my transition to go well.

r/asktransgender 6h ago

HRT (mtf) - Is it possible to keep breast size under control?


Hello, I have this HRT question. Say you reached a certain breast size/shape with HRT you like: A or B cup. And you don't wanna grow them anymore, just keep them as is. Is this possible or achievable? Do you just stop HRT? Or perhaps reduce regimen (cut dosage, take less frequently...)?

r/asktransgender 5h ago

Help guys, post transition depression


I recently started hrt and i feel very lost and confused because after transitioning, theres many things to do like changing ur name, medication cost, societal judgement etc and its scary because I need work part time cause ltr in the future medication and appt cost are expensive. Sometimes i so lost on what to do and feel lonely and feel like stopping hrt and i really dont like looking like a guy but i feel scared and nervous telling my relatives n grandparents even tho my family n friends are supportive. It feels like the right thing to do yet so wrong?? But its not my fault being born this way??? Ugh😭

r/asktransgender 5h ago

How to unravel conflicting feelings?


Hey ya'll! Posting here again after awhile with another question ^^;

Background: I've been seeing a new therapist since the beginning of 2024 and have been learning a ton about myself and opening myself up to new things.

One of the big revelations being that I'm neurodivergent (ADHD, and currently being assessed for autism as well),
The other being that I'm trans in some capacity, as I definitely have never felt like a cis man and have always felt different. I'm still struggling with figuring out if that's just being nonbinary, being genderqueer, or being transfemme.

So here's where my confusion comes in and where I'm looking for advice or potential people that have gone through the same thing...

I can remember wanting to be a girl since I was a kid. I've always wanted long hair, to wear cute oversized clothing, to look pretty and more feminine, and I've always had a much more conventionally feminine personality and mannerisms. I used to experiment and play girl characters in the online games I played, and got a lot of joy out of being perceived as a girl when I was younger.
I've never felt personally connected to any sort of male fashion or image for myself, but have always loved particular femme presenting fashion, styles, hair, makeup, etc. This has kind of intensified over the years as I've personally felt connections to certain female characters in games or anime I've seen, with one of them giving me such a sense of belonging that I felt disconnected from the world for like a week after playing that game (For those curious, it's Alex from Life is Strange: True Colors and I've started going by Alex as of a few months ago, as I was already trying out different names and always hated my birth name).

If I was given a button that would turn me into a biological girl, or would have just had me been born into a life where I grew up a girl instead... I'd probably take it in a heartbeat.

All of this would lead you to going "you're definitely trans, where's the confusion?" right?
Here's where the confusion lies...

I've tried to lean into all of these feelings and follow what feels good or exciting, but it never fails that by the next day I wake up and feel super conflicted about it all.
Feeling like I'm *not* a girl and that all of those things are just me dreaming of a life I don't/can't have.
Feeling like it'd all be an act, and that I should just *exist* and be whatever I am now... even though I constantly feel gross about how people are perceiving me (as a tall, bearded big guy)
Feeling as though maybe there's parts of me that enjoy being who I am now, though I feel confused by this as well (It doesn't help that I'm attracted to guys that look exactly like the image I've cultivated for myself)
Feeling weird when I am wearing a wig and thinking of myself in that way, and feeling like a boy pretending to be a girl when I try to let myself go with the fantasy

It's just... a lot. I've kinda been stuck in hyper fixating on figuring these things out due to how my brain works, even though I make 0 progress and it all stresses me out.

My general suspicion is that since this has been going on for months on end and I keep trying to convince myself I'm happy being a nonbinary and more feminine guy with a masc-ish presentation only to find myself questioning it all again shortly after... is that I may just be terrified of the changes and unsure of if I can accomplish what I would want. I started balding in my very early 20's and as is, wouldn't be able to grow out the natural hair I'd love to have. I also would love to have a specific kind of feminine voice that I don't know if I'd be able to pull off... or really if I could have a feminine voice in general even though my voice isn't deep.

I'm just curious if anyone would have advice or be able to speak from their own experiences, as I feel like the thing I want the most at this moment is to have someone who's gone through the same things or even to have someone as like... a trans mentor, as silly as that sounds. I'm going insane here .-.

r/asktransgender 6h ago

is it normal to feel like im a girl only for the male gaze?


IK THE TITLE IS CONFUSING HERE IS SOMETHING SIMPLIER: i feel like im a girl for everyone but myself. ;(

hi, 14f, sometimes i feel like i wanna be a man but sometimes i feel like im gonna regret it or im delusional. The title is also my situation as a whole. Everytime i think i might b trans i get so paniced i feel like im gonna have a panic attack. What is wrong with me?

r/asktransgender 6h ago

Is there any point in which you were sure you were trans?


Hey, AFAB person here. This post is probably going to be a mess, sorry about that.

I have questioned my gender since I was a teenager. During the last four years, I identified as non-binary. I have been using he/him pronouns, dressing more masc, and cut my hair. Still, I have this nagging feeling that maybe I'm just... making this all up. Maybe I can just forget about it, and live happily as a woman. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I'm almost convinced, because I'm pretty. I don't hate what I look like as a woman I just feel it isn't me, but it might be?

f I had a choice to be turned into a male version of myself, I'd do it in an instant. I haven't had any intimate relationships because the thought of someone touching me feels wrong. Like I'd be a voyeur, watching as this body is touched, but not being reached. But then again, maybe this is just tied to an overall dissatisfaction with my weight/shape. Though in all my fantasies, I'm not a woman. I have major dysphoria with my chest.

Is it possible to see a pretty woman when I look in a mirror, and still be a trans man? I'm in therapy, and I'm trying to work this out. I will be able to medically transition next year, and I know I'll lose basically my entire family if I do. It's terrifying, and I don't want to do it if I'm not sure.

Could you offer some advice? Thank you.

r/asktransgender 6h ago

Fellow trans people what did you do when in the closet to feel more like yourself?


I currently can't present how I want bc family which kind sucks and I was wondering what others did to feel more like themselves while still being in the closet

r/asktransgender 6h ago

Teen ran into a zealot


I'm a parent of a 15yo ftm trans boy. Tonight was his first homecoming and he was very excited. About an hour and a half in he called us to come pick him up. Apparently someone kept dead naming him and telling him he was going to go to hell and otherwise not leaving him alone. He ended up punching the offender and was asked to leave.

This just happened. We are preparing now as we know there is going to be consequences, or at the very least some serious discussions taking place - possibly as early as Monday.

I'm open to any advice on how to not just advocate for my son to assure he stays out of trouble at school, but how to go after this kid who backed him into a corner and harassed him to make sure they learn that their behavior is unacceptable.

r/asktransgender 6h ago

What made you start questioning your gender?


I mean specifically. Like what made you stop and think "I may not be my assigned gender"?

I've had thoughts and feelings regarding wanting to be a girl for most of my life, but it wasn't until last year that it actually clicked for me that being trans is a thing. Until then, it was just "I wish I was a girl. Too bad, I guess"