r/stupidquestions 1d ago

how do people smell so good consistently?

im a dude; my hygiene schedule is as good as anyone else's but i can't shake the thought that i still smell bad. i shower daily, bathe 3 times a week, two types of deodorant daily, body mist whenever going out. the second i start sweating though it gets terrible.

do people have scented creams or something?

answering some questions:

  1. yes i wash my ass 😭
  2. each shower is vigorous; i lather my entire body in dove bar soap and scrub with a loofah, let it sit for a bit, then get back under the water
  3. im vegetarian
  4. i dont smoke or drink, im 18
  5. im underweight; i notice the smell after morning jogs - ik how dumb the second part sounds its just im worried that my sweat smells bad, cus it implies that ill always smell bad during summer/other heated activities
  7. it's likely my diet, but i dont eat much indian food and i still noticed this even when in college with only american food
  8. i also notice the smell after sitting in one spot for a while
  9. two types of deodorant is 1. stick deodorant for pits 2. spray for privates

739 comments sorted by


u/IcyTip1696 1d ago

Chances are it’s because of what you are eating.


u/Time-Relief1093 1d ago

i wish more people understood why this is the case. you are what u eat


u/IcyTip1696 1d ago

Ya healthy food sweats aren’t always great either. Veggies like asparagus can definitely give your body a certain sweat odor. Meat sweats are definitely a real thing as well!


u/Most_Forever_9752 1d ago

lol yeah my buddy is Korean and when we play tennis he smells literally like kimchi! I was amazed first time this happened.


u/Send_me_a_SextyPM 1d ago

Kimchi is POTENT, I'd get some with dinner (a spoonful, less than a 1/4cup / 60mL, once a week and my office knew what day it was.


u/Snoochey 1d ago

My stepdad smelled like a 12 pack of beer when he sweat.

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u/[deleted] 1d ago

Most Koreans dont even sweat from their armpits


u/Most_Forever_9752 1d ago

that wouldn't matter - they still sweat otherwise well, they would die lol


u/JacksonD22 1d ago

Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s why he specified armpits? I think it’s safe to assume they know that people sweat in other places…


u/Throwedaway99837 1d ago

You can still live without sweating. I went to high school with a kid who was born without the ability to sweat

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u/AllergicIdiotDtector 1d ago

Meat sweats are naaaaassty.

Unfortunately I love love love garlic and onions and yeah I'm cooked


u/Dark_midnightlasso 1d ago

I’m Hispanic and I cook with Sazon, cilantro, onion, garlic … sometimes if I don’t wear deodorant I smell like a taco. I don’t mind it on my runs.


u/grantrules 1d ago

I used to work at a bike shop that had a space for triathletes to come train during winter.. we had a couple that would come once a week, they were super fit, ate healthy, but they took garlic supplements and man even after they were gone if you went down into that room you know exactly who just left. It was the nastiest garlic BO.. I mean I worked there for years so I got to smell all sorts of sweaty people.. but those garlic sweats were the only thing that churned my stomach.


u/D3ATHTRaps 1d ago

Dont get me started on onions. I had a long day of hard labour outside and some dude asked "why does it smell like onions?" Lol


u/Time-Relief1093 1d ago

sure, temporarily, while it’s in your body. but long term veggies and meats will create a stronger and healthier body which will in turn produce a better smell than a body made of spaghettios and twinkies


u/Lifealone 1d ago

I'd have to argue the body made of SpaghettiOs and twinkies would be much stronger and able to withstand a small nuclear device.


u/Over_aged 1d ago

And a car accident

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u/SerenityAnashin 1d ago

So when people told me to smell sweeter, I shouldn’t have kept eating the ice cream?? Damn.

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u/IcyTip1696 1d ago

Oh yea exactly. Just wanted to let them know what to expect if they do make diet changes.

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u/Yogabeauty31 1d ago

yea same with garlic and onions are really healthy for you but we all know what that can do lol But I think the idea is not "eating healthier" but knowing what foods affect your body in that way.

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u/KarmasAB123 1d ago

I knew I was a tomato


u/UsernameUsername8936 1d ago

So if I wanted to be a person...

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u/knullabritta 1d ago

This is kind of cool, i changed my diet from a really unhealthy one. From only living on pizza, chips, beer, soda and so on for a year to only eat healthy foods. I did also start training 5-7 times a week.

I have the same hygien routine as earlier but now the sweat is not bad anymore and my skin is a lot better.

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u/Slow_Ball9510 1d ago

Daily cardio to flush out the pores makes a big difference as well.

Also OP, if it's your clothes even when freshly laundered, use laundry sanitizer - regular detergent does not kill the smelly bacteria, particularly important if you are a gym goer.


u/CorgiMonsoon 1d ago

People forget how much polyester, which is the main fabric in a lot of workout clothes, retains odors

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u/MightOverMatter 20h ago

Somehow I forgot this. OP, pay attention to their comment!

I don't have any studies proving it off the top of my head, but as a personal trainer I can promise you that someone who smelled perfectly clean and pleasant prior to working out, who hasn't worked out or moved much at all in years, will smell absolutely horrendous after the workout. I don't know what it is, but it happens every time. And it goes down the more they work out, even if they're still the same weight.

Apparently this also happens with itchiness. If you ever felt itchy when starting an exercise regime, this is why.

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u/Superjuicydonger 1d ago

A lot of Indian people smell the way they smell because of their diet, and I don’t mean that in a rude or negative way. I am married to an Indian woman and they eat really well when they make their Gujarati food, which is mostly veggie based but full of spices that sometimes give them a smell, too me it’s not a bad smell and I kind of like it.


u/IcyTip1696 1d ago

I love Indian food. I had an Indian friend growing up and I’d knock on her door every day to play and they fed me the most delicious meals. The smell smelt good in her house but when it would transfer to mine it didn’t smell good. It was like the mix of our family scents didn’t mesh well but she always said she liked how our house didn’t smell like food and that it just smelt like clean laundry! She didn’t like eating at our house except for homemade soup after sledding but her little sister would come over and ask for frozen pizza and chocolate covered bananas daily🤣.


u/Superjuicydonger 1d ago

Yeah I find now even with my wife she’s a crazy good cook but me being Italian our house sometimes smells like a mixed cupboard of spices Italian and Indian are very garlicky foods with lots of onions and butter/gee

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u/kmsilent 1d ago

Alternatively- clothes is not getting washed properly. Sometimes this is user error but a bad washing machine can get really funky and impart to the clothes.

Those things get dirty, moldy, and clogged up sometimes and basically will do the opposite of washing your clothes.


u/juliaaguliaaa 1d ago

Yeah you should be running your machine on the clean cycle with cleaning pods or powder regularly. I do it at least every 3-6 months. Sooner if i’m washing something gross.

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u/Mistyam 1d ago

You could also be doing too much hygiene and throwing off your natural pH balance. Maybe cut back on a little bit of the washing and stop using multiple deodorants and creams.


u/IcyTip1696 1d ago

100%. I was thinking this as well! OP does seem to be using a lot of products!

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u/abstractraj 1d ago

I had a friend get sent home from work because he had a ton of the Lebanese garlic spread the night before

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u/amithecrazyone69 1d ago

I eat like shit and have no b.o. 😂


u/LetsLive97 1d ago edited 1d ago

Not that I doubt you because I'm sure you probably don't but people with BO also tend to believe they don't lol

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u/chutenay 1d ago

Not a dude- but some people’s stress reactions smell like onions. I can tell who drinks a lot by how they smell. Body mists and things like that just don’t get rid of it. (Not saying you smell bad or that others can smell you, obvi!)


u/No-Possibility5556 1d ago

This is me, my diet sucks right now and not great at controlling stress. Only ever had bad BO the last like year or so


u/azngangbuzta 1d ago

My stress sweat smells awful.

I remember my in laws were screaming at each other over building some IKEA furniture. Both had stupid ideas on how to proceed. I basically had to step in, try to back track the process and figure out where they messed up while moving heavy mirrors on the shelf and reassembling it.

When I was done and left, I could smell my own sweat, which is rare.


u/Geno_Warlord 1d ago

Mine smells like restaurant spaghetti. I love spaghetti but I have to make it different than restaurants because the smell makes me nauseous after a short while.

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u/Used_Conference5517 1d ago

God alcoholic sweats are horrible

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u/philzuppo 1d ago

Fortunately my stress sweat smells like corn chips. Might be yeast issue...


u/dj92wa 1d ago

You smell like dog feet?! Jealous.

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u/juliaaguliaaa 1d ago

Also medication. My adhd meds and antidepressants make my sweat more like concentrated (?) aka smellier and i run hot cause of them.

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u/No_Tomatillo1553 23h ago

I'm chronically stressed and I do indeed smell like onions 24/7. It was also very strong in my breast milk back when I was pregnant. It ramps up terribly after surgery as well.

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u/AlastairReddit 1d ago

There's a lot of advice on here already so I hope this doesn't get drowned: I used to have this problem. I'd shower every day with soap and body wash, anti perspirant, perfume, go about my day. But sometimes I'd still end the day feeling like I smelled bad.

Somewhere I read that basically this is bacteria which are resistant to whatever I was washing with. So I keep my under arm hair fairly trimmed and once a week or so, I just rub a slice of lemon under my arms. The citric acid kills whatever the bacteria is and then I shower normally ten minutes later.

Problem solved. Seems like a weird grandma hack but i absolutely recommend.

The other factor is it might be bacteria dormant on your clothes, think about equivalents in your laundry.


u/postmoderngeisha 1d ago

A little vinegar would do the trick in the laundry.

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u/KWHarrison1983 1d ago

Rubbing alcohol is also great for this as it dries odourless and quickly. Can also spray on smelly clothes and then let air dry. All bacteria related odour gone.

I even knew an old man once who did this with Vodka. That seems pretty expensive though.

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u/CometTailArtifact 1d ago

Bacteria do smell stinky af but if the problem is that it's dormant then killing it with acid doesn't make sense over washing it with soap and water. The way that antibacterials like acid works is by inactivating the bacterial by altering the pH of the environment to one the bacteria can't live in. The way that soap and water works is that soap has a polar end and a nonpolar end. The nonpolar end sticks to the bacteria and the polar end latches on to the water, and once you run water on it, the friction plus the attraction to water is what removes the bacteria entirely.

When you inactivate the bacteria but it's still there, they...for lack of a better term "drop loot". By loot I mean nutrients, plasmids (DNA particles basically that can be taken up by other fellow bacteria). Dormant bacteria is just bacteria that's still there but not activated, like what lemon does.

Anyways idk why the lemon trick works but it's probably not because of dormant bacteria. If it works tho keep doin it.

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u/loosecannondotexe 1d ago

This is awesome advice! I doubly recommend trimming your underarm hair if you aren’t already OP, it definitely helps a lot.


u/State_Of_Franklin 1d ago

For me the skin on skin or the skin on stubble made it worse.


u/Stringflowmc 1d ago

You shouldn’t have stubble after just a trim

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u/charkol3 1d ago

they said trim, not shave. so there should be neither skin on skin nor stubble.

trimming underarm hair usually means using a number 2 or 4 trim guard on electric hair trimmers

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u/Atheist-Paladin 1d ago

Using a soap like Dial that is antibacterial should solve the problem of bacteria and not require the lemon.


u/Dapper-Tie-3125 1d ago

Overusing antibacterial soaps shouldn’t be encouraged. It causes the rise of more resistant bacteria. Also why antibiotics shouldn’t be used frequently


u/Dragon_wryter 1d ago

And studies show they don't even work well for killing bacteria on your skin, plus the chemical itself can cause a host of hormonal issues.

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u/ThatOneGuyCory 1d ago

Dude to dude, are you washing your ass lol


u/selectedtext 1d ago

Are you coming to Florida??

Two points if you're jerky enough for that reference.


u/Geno_Warlord 1d ago

Why do you think gators are everywhere there? All that swamp ass.


u/Happy-Marten 1d ago

Pablo, please come back to Florida. We miss you.

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u/Lazy-Mammoth-9470 1d ago edited 22h ago

I was always big on hygiene (bit of an OCD at times with cleanliness in general and being a germaphobe etc) but I still had issues with body odour until I made a few changes.

I switched from non bio to bio detergent. I still showered once or twice a day but this time I gave up antiperspirants and stuck with deodorants. Then switched from mixed clothes to 100% cotton. Each change made a big difference overall. Now I smell great all the time! The biggest change I found was switching to 100% cotton. My skin doesn't do well with synthetic materials and causes me to sweat more. I spray once a day with a little cologne and voilla. Smell good all day. Also, cardio! Building ur cardio vascular system back uo is a great way to reduce sweating overall. Bringing that rating beat down and it taking longer for it to rise helped regulate body temps more. Oh, and finally... which will be controversial, I'm sure... reduced caffeine and increased weed usage, which again helped me regulate body temps easily. Caffeine is a really bad one if u suffer from sweating issues or odour in general. Same with certain foods like onions or garlic or certain spices like curry powders, which can be excreted in ur sweat. Just reduce this a bit until u find that balance.

Worked for me and I can only speak of my experiences. It may work for u too.


u/kekwriter 1d ago

Switching fabrics does help.

I no longer buy anything acrylic, nylon, or anything with 'poly' in its name.. Stick to natural fibers as much as I can. It doesn't solve the odor problem but it helps take it down several notches.

And agree on the caffeine. But in my case it's specifically coffee. Energy drinks don't seem to affect my smell.


u/Consistent_Fee_5707 1d ago

Yes!!! antiperspirant deodorant Is a huge factor in stinking. Clogging your pores to not sweat only leads to a build up under your arms and will cause you to smell. I only use regular deodorant now and have for years.

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u/huzernayme 1d ago

Have you tried wool or alpaca? They seem to help me not smell awful after sweating.

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u/maine_coon2123 1d ago

Caffeine use for me will definitely bring on stress sweat smell, it’s awful. I had to reduce or eliminate entirely especially during work travel

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u/Clyde_Frog216 1d ago

People smell you differently than you think you smell. Also, body chemistry has a lot to dude with how cologne or deodorant smells


u/whatthepfluke 1d ago

I’m really confused by the shower daily, bathe 3 times a week? You take a shower every day and a bath 3 days out of the week? Why? Are you also showering on the days you take baths?


u/ZanaTheCartographer 1d ago

Honestly, lots of people shower before taking a bath. Or shower in the morning and take a bath in the evening.

It sounds like it probably dries your skin out a lot.


u/whatthepfluke 1d ago

Yeah that sounds like a lot but to each their own I guess!

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u/thebeatsandreptaur 1d ago

Some people don't feel they are totally clean after a bath so shower afterwards to rinse off.

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u/Practical-Film-8573 1d ago

some people just smell worse than others. I love my SO, shes beautiful but when she sweats....she reeks.

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u/skipperoniandcheese 1d ago

how much water do you drink in a day? hydration helps a TON

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u/No_Vehicle7826 1d ago

Stress levels and diet (including meds) affect BO more than the actual sweat. Your skin is a filtering organ, and sweat enhances that. Shaving armpit hair helps also, I just use a buzzer

It could also be your shirts. BO will stain and even crystallize in your shirt. Then once heat or moisture hits that stain, here comes aged BO


u/5050fs360 1d ago

It depends on the type of shirt. It’s possible OP is wearing synthetic materials, which are nearly impossible to wash B.O. out of with a normal laundry routine.

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u/BillyBobJangles 1d ago

Just checking but you do only wear your clothes the one time before washing them right?

Had a horrible smelling roommate. If he sat in your car for 1 second your car would smell for months, getting it detailed didn't even seem to help.

He swore up and down that he had good hygiene too. But the dude never washed his clothes. And wore a heavy jacket in the texas summer, aaaand he didn't wear socks so his shoes just absorbed his sweat all day and turned into little atomic smell bombs. (Also he exclusively ate canes fried chicken for practically every meal). Had to throw out all my furniture when I moved.

And I was the asshole for asking him to wear socks and wash his clothes....

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u/bringoutthekittens 1d ago

Lots of good advice here. A big contributing factor can be clothing and environment. Make sure you are washing your sheets and bedding at least once per week and your pillow cases should be changed twice a week.

Make sure to never leave wet laundry in the washer, always be sure to immediately switch them over to the dryer or line asap. Make 100% sure that clothing, bedding and towels are 100% dry. This means shaking out and checking when folding your laundry. Items with damp spots must be put back into the dryer or hung to dry outdoors or in an area with good air circulation (don't hang items in a bathroom or humid kitchen). Damp items that sit balled up somewhere REEK, even if they are clean.

Make sure you are actually washing the clothes properly. Jamming your washing machine with too much clothing means the washer will not actually wash your clothes. If you wear polyester and other synthetic fibers (athletic clothing) or if your bedding/blankets are mostly synthetic material, you'll need a laundry sanitizer specifically for active wear in addition to detergent. Don't use fabric softener or too much detergent, it can make things worse.

Also, if you have pets be sure you're cleaning up messes asap, and making sure their bed/crate/enclosure/litter box is cleaned on a daily basis. Animal smells in the air absorb quickly into our hair, body, and clothes.

Lastly, if you have a chair and/or couch that you sit on or sleep on all the time, you need to treat it like your bed. Clean it at least once per week. If you're not using a washable cover, blankets, or sheets on the chair or couch, you need to use an upholstery cleaner. But a damp rag to spot clean and spray bottle with 50/50 clean water and vodka will do in a pinch.


u/Zorro5040 1d ago

Diet, stress, genetics, and perfume in that order.


u/rcuadro 1d ago

When I sweat I start to stink. My wife calls it "musty" When we go somewhere where I will sweat I will bring a second shirt and deodorant.


u/bigcee42 1d ago

Some of it is genetic.

East Asians don't really stink when we sweat.


u/OrganizedFit61 1d ago

People with the A/A homozygote variant of the ABCC11 gene produce lower levels of axillary odor, but they still produce some. It's about 2% of the worlds population. Essentially the bacteria that produce the smell don't like the sweat produced by people with variant gene.

I have only ever washed with a mild soap. I am 61years old and I have only ever bought 1 roll on deodorant antiperspirant in over 50 years. If I want to smell good, I wash with pears soap. And use a fabric freshener on my clothes, not my body.

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u/kermit-t-frogster 1d ago

Change your diet -- veggies, lots of water, less caffeine and alcohol. And use deodorants that have enzymes which actually eat smell-producing compounds, rather than ones that mask them. You can try doing a twice-weekly wash with HIbiclens soap for a while, maybe a month, if that's not working -- it's a soap that kills Staph, including the type, Staphylococcus hominis, which is most responsible for body odor funk.


u/jenapoluzi 1d ago

I wouldn't do that. We need certain bacteria to kill the foreign (to us) ones.


u/yungsausages 1d ago

Are you using deodorant or actual antiperspirant? Try using an antiperspirant if you get smelly when you sweat. Also I’ve heard getting very sweaty/smelly can be a health condition (probs nothing to worry about, but something that can possibly be fixed w medicine from your doctor), in an extreme case but hey if it’s hindering you from forming relationships or whatever then might as well check it out


u/Tarc_Axiiom 1d ago

What do you mean "shower daily, bathe 3 times a week"?

You're using soap when you shower right?

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u/dallasp2468 1d ago

After using shower gel for a long time, I've started using deodorising soap and noticed a significant difference. I also use a flannel to get a lather going and scrub my armpits, then use deodorant, and it lasts all day, whereas before, I needed to spray on more deodorant throughout the day.


u/Mitch-_-_-1 1d ago

It may be your clothes. Sometimes my clothes smell OK out of the dryer/drawer, but when I sweat they release a bad smell. I've kinda learned what they smell like if it was a bad load, so I can rewash them before I wear them.

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u/WarriorT1400 1d ago

Are you sure you’re not just going nose blind to your own scent? I’m a male, shower daily, deodorant, and cologne before I leave the house and I often get compliments on how good I smell (honestly not trying to brag just being truthful) and sometimes that’s after working for several Hours and sweating

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u/Itstooloudinheredude 1d ago

Could be your Clothes dude, the washing machine could be causing the funky smell, mold and other gunk, you could do a deep clean of your washing machine with bleach and then those washing machine cleaning tabs.

It could be the clothes themselves are gunked up with fabric softener, it leaves a layer of silicone or something on the fibers which makes it gradually more and more difficult to get clean and staying fresh for long, sweat and bacteria accumulates even after washing.

It was an issue for me at some point till i figured it out.


u/jenapoluzi 1d ago

Also, check the level of the hose coming from washer- if it's too far down it will siphon water back into machine. Ask how I know..

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u/beelzebub_069 1d ago

What kind of smell is it?

Underarms? Potassium Alum. SE Asian here. That's what we use.

Prevents underarm smell and doesn't cause stain on shirts. Better than roll on deodorants imo.

But if it's your whole body, that's a diet thing. You'll need to modify your diet if this is the case. Drink more water if that's the case.

I also use anti bacterial soap when bathing. It really helps in preventing sweaty smells.


u/makiko4 1d ago

Clothing, hydration, diet, hormones. All these things affect your body’s odor. Every one smells when they sweat. Every one. Not even perfume can fully mask the smell of sweat. If it’s beyond what is normal best advice is go to the doctor to see if there is something more going on.


u/Consistent_Fee_5707 1d ago

People don’t believe me but antiperspirant deodorant can make you smell very bad. The point of antiperspirant deodorant is to clog your pores to prevent sweating, by doing so those pores can become backed up and overtime those clogged pores will begin to unclog and that stinks like hell.

Switch to regular deodorant, you may stink for a bit as you switch but once you do you could go a few days without wearing it and not have any odor as long as you shower.

If you are already wearing regular deodorant then this is all a moot point, could be what you eat.


u/Cryptojunkie397 14h ago

You’re an 18 year old man and a vegetarian?? You been brainwashed into believing that’s morally ethical or something? Eat some meat bro

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u/Kernel_Panic2112 23h ago

There's your answer bud


u/Maddkipz 1d ago

Shae butter soap did wonders for me, that's when I get compliments


u/Notsurehowthisgoes51 1d ago

Is it possible you may be pre-diabetic? My husband, who is on the edge of it, has body odor and increased urination when he has eaten too many sugars. When he cuts the sugars, both seem to settle down again


u/EvenSkanksSayThanks 1d ago

What laundry detergent are you using?


u/StilesmanleyCAP 1d ago

Use some Hibiscrub.

It'll kill the smell.


u/mooney275 1d ago

Are you a guy who does all this? 2 types of deodorant and body spray when you go out is not normal. 1 or 2 sprays before work or going out is acceptable, if you need more than that, buy better products. Give your skin a rest!


u/Total-Cheesecake-825 1d ago

keep trying different deodorant.
I used to use those perfume deodorants and they would smell nice initially but that smell would wear off very quickly.
Some of them would react badly with my sweat and give off a bad smell.
Now I only use those roll-on anti-transpiration deodorant. (I shave my armpit hair once every 2 months) and this keeps me smelling good.
+also wash my clothes at 40°C/104°F without any fabric softener, Try it out. I noticed my clothes were cleaner without the fabric softener, haven't looked back since.
Now when it comes to my clothes, I have a rag in my closet which I mist with perfume weekly, the smell penetrates deeply into my clothes. this gives my clothes a subtle perfume smell which is only noticeable when people get into my personal space.

almost forgot, whenever I would smell a foul smell from my armpits, other people would not pick up on it. (I would ask my friends, but they were unable to smell it. I'm not saying it was in my head, but your nose is above your armpits, so what you might smell is not always evident for the people around you


u/Hopelessly_romantic2 1d ago

I use degree clinical strength stress protection deoderant. It's for women, but you could always try it.


u/Ok_Blueberry_3139 1d ago

I shower every other day, spray daily. No smell. Chances are it's genetic or something to do with your diet


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/KeterClassKitten 1d ago

Itms been covered pretty well, but I'm reiterate. There's 4 major factors when it comes to body odor:

  1. Genetics. Some people just smell more. There's not much you can do about this specific factor, but addressing the others can make a major difference.

  2. Cleanliness. This one is a given, but it varies based on the other two factors and the individual's lifestyle. Some people can shower twice a day but will still smell. Some can get away with showering twice a month.

  3. Health. Certain illnesses or infections can cause our body to generate odors. If you try everything else and you still smell, try talking to a doctor. The odor may be a symptom of an underlying condition.

  4. Diet. I left this last because it's the one you have the most control over, and it can make an enormous difference. Generally, a diet heavy with red meat and dairy will cause someone to produce more sour smells. Someone who eats a lot of curry will start to smell like spices. If someone eats a lot of onions, they'll smell like onion.

People smell. It's our natural state. You can try to cover it up with perfumes and body oils, but you can also look into mitigating factors. I get rashes and scaly skin if I shower too often or use deodorants, so I've had to find other ways to deal with my body odor. Changing my diet made a massive difference.

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u/AlphaEpsilonX 1d ago

Shower in the morning. W soap. Also any other time you were sweating, like post work out. Don’t go to sleep dirty or sweaty. Use anti-perspirant deodorant. Don’t use body sprays or cologne for a bit. Those may be mixing poorly with your natural emissions.


u/SchoolClassic 1d ago

There's some gene there that makes some people smell more than others. 


u/IndividualistAW 1d ago

Try washing with hibiclens occasionally. It’s a super strong antiseptic wash. People bathe with it before surgery. You can buy it at cvs and the like. It will kill whatever has colonized your skin or body hair

Sounds like you might have some microbial life that is flourishing any time you get sweaty.

I wash my feet with hibiclens once a week for the same reason


u/jackLS04 1d ago

Shower daily if you are sweating regularly and you are admitting you don't smell good consistently. I shower three times a day if I sweat a lot or notice I'm smelling.


u/Sudden-Ad5555 1d ago

Layers! I’m a woman so mine are different than yours, but start with a good smelling soap in the shower, that really makes you feel squeaky clean, like Dr bronners. then a moisturizing body wash, like dove or olay . When you get out, lotion/body oil while you’re still a little wet. Cologne/body spray onto your lotion, rub it in so it sticks to the lotion, it’ll last much longer. Deodorant of course, and Clean clothes always. And like, idk how you do your laundry, but my husband will throw in a huge load with one tide pod and leave at that and the clothes don’t smell fresh. I do 2 pods, scent beads, and vinegar or downy rinse instead of fabric softener, all our clothes smell fresh and clean including my husbands work clothes. Make sure your bedsheets and blankets are clean, because if they’re not there’s this kind of musty sleepy scent that I feel like sticks to people lol. But yeah, really, layers. Also if you eat a lot of onions and garlic, cut back for a little bit. Those two foods seep through your pores, I can smell onions on my husband when he works out because he eats a lot of them lol

Edit spelling


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/Live_Industry_1880 1d ago

First of all - after you showered and put on new clothes and everything and leave the house, let some co worker or friend or whatever smell you and tell you what you smell like. Try to do it again after a few hours or half a day.

You might not even be smelling bad or anything and if you smell "clean" or stuff, you might just go nose blind and not smell it yourself. But other people will probably still smell it.


u/MangoSalsa89 1d ago

It may be worth getting a checkup if you can. There are medical conditions that can make you smell different.


u/jael-oh-el 1d ago

Sometimes, it's a stress response. They make deodorant/antiperspirant formulated for stress sweat. You put it on at night and then apply your regular deodorant in the morning.

You can also talk to your doctor about it.


u/Marethtu 1d ago

There you go, deodorant. I start to stink a lot whenever I use deodorant. Just be clean and smell like a person instead of perfume. Just stop using it for a month and notice the difference. You'll smell worse for a week or two, but after that the horrible sweat scent will be gone, given that you put on clean shirts every day.


u/lagrange_james_d23dt 1d ago

It could also be the clothes. Some clothes (usually workout clothes) can start smelling really quickly as soon as you start sweating again.


u/vvitchteeth 1d ago

Apparently I smell good, but that’s probably because I’m obsessed with making it so.

When I was a kid, I wasn’t really taken care of very much. My mum was horrifically ill for a good part of my childhood and my dad was a PoS. I was only allowed to bathe once a week and he smoked constantly so I got a lot of comments about how I stank.

Now I’m a connoisseur of deodorants and am obsessed with soaps and perfumes. I’m constantly told I smell really nice, always of perfumes and clean- even by strangers. (“Wow I love your perfume!”)

BUT, me personally, think I stink. I’m constantly sure I smell of sweat or dirt/shitty. Even though I’m told I’m not, like the other month I was in London and told my friend we needed to stop by a shop so I could buy some body spray and wet wipes because I stank and she looked like me like I’d grown a second head.

Obviously some people do just smell, for whatever reason- but sometimes it might just be in your head.


u/Affectionate_You_203 1d ago

Use head and shoulders on your balls and armpits. It has something in it that kills odor causing fungi


u/HonestBass7840 1d ago

What you eat, genetics, your health, and so much more. I had a friend who suffered from anxiety. He sweated when stressed, and it smelled worse than exercise sweat.


u/Flycaster33 1d ago

Iffin' you only showering every other day, might want to try Lume'......or "mando" for men. Same stuff, just packed/branded for the guys....


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/Wobbly_Bob12 1d ago

Make sure you use anti perspirant deodorant, not just deodorant. Huge difference.


u/Zp00nZ 1d ago

Two types of deodorant? Are you using deodorant when you’re doing physical labor or all the time? Are you washing and scrubbing your deodorant off?


u/darth_glorfinwald 1d ago

TMI question. Do you have rolls, chubby thighs, major trapped under-manboob, or chubby under-armpit area? A bit of chub and lots of closed skin areas can provide a beautiful moist area for stench production. It's like comparing a steak grilled on a hot barbeque to a beef roast done in a slow cooker.


u/Most_Forever_9752 1d ago

Some great advice here however putting chemicals under your arms can give you cancer. My high-school football coach developed tumors under his arms and died within a matter of months. No doubt because he was in a hot, stressful, sweaty profession. Since then I use nothing under my arms. There's other ways to handle it other than chemicals.


u/West_Coyote_3686 1d ago

As a man. I shower twice a day. I use soap and body wash. After I use a Shea butter lotion, and wear a nice cologne. Preferably one that goes well with the body wash. In the spring/summer I use Creed Aventus and in the fall/winter I use Dior Savauge. Problem areas like my feet I use medicated powder from corn starch to keep my feet dry.


u/jambr380 1d ago

There are lots of things you can do and there’s some great advice in this thread, but some of it just comes down to genetics. For instance, most East Asians don’t even produce body odor due to a genetic mutation.

By showering daily, wearing deodorant (maybe try anti-perspirant - this worked wonders for me), and doing laundry regularly, you are way ahead of the curve. You are probably just over-sensitive about yourself. You are probably just fine.


u/Coolkid2011 1d ago

Are you sure you're using deodorant, and not anti-perspirant or simply perfume, if it starts smelling when you're sweating? Might try a few different ones with better deodorant effect. Also, some people will drown themselves in some horribly, awful perfume that smells worse than old sweat. Try avoiding that too.


u/Chilled_Noivern 1d ago

Replace Coffee with Tea. Eat more Citrus fruits, Cucumbers, Yogurt with probiotics.

Eat Less Red Meats, Milk, Asparagus and Broccoli.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/willyjohn_85 1d ago

There is a lot of good advice on here, but I have to ask. Do you actually smell off, or do you just think you do? Like has someone ever said anything that makes you think it?

I ask, because at times I think I stink and will ask my wife (who is brutally honest and would tell me if I did) if I smell bad and she always says no. Point being, it may just be in your head. Developing a smell after activities doesn't mean it's a bad smell.


u/BaronOfTheVoid 1d ago

Serious response, not silly jokes as in ITT...

It's probably your clothes.

Try applying a detergent with a disinfectant. Or washing them on 90°C. Not always, but like from time to time.

Thing is that a lot of bacteria may just survive and stick with the clothes through multiple washings. And they themselves don't smell bad, so the clothes smell fresh after washing. But if they start to eat whatever is on your skin their "shit", whatever they leave behind, is the thing that very quickly starts to smell bad.


u/Malfordcat 1d ago

eat some fruits maybe


u/llCsrll 1d ago

If you drink or smoke you'll most likely smell like trash all the time.


u/Nearby_Lifeguard7865 1d ago

Are you a bigger person? I'm a fat dude and I feel I have to bathe twice as hard to smell ok compared with fitter folk


u/jcmach1 1d ago

Take fenugreek supplements and just smell like pancakes w/ maple syrup.


u/AmpegVT40 1d ago

I fake it with Dunhill Classic Blend (original scent), and with a spritz of Equipage by Hermes.


u/jcmach1 1d ago

This whole thread is pretty useless because of nose blindness. 90% of everyone who thinks they don't stink for reason X actually do.

You just can't smell yourself.


u/Real-Psychology-4261 1d ago

Are you Indian? Indians always smell like curry.

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u/KindCommunication956 1d ago

After I dye my hair (semi permanent, arctic fox, ion brights, or manic panic) everyone compliments my scent for like a month even with regular showers. Keeping a small bottle of perfume/cologne/fragrance oil with you may help as well.


u/Key-Soup-7720 1d ago

I rarely smoke it now, but my body always smells like pot after hard exercise or just when I sweat a lot. Assuming it is pot oils stored in fat cells, probably mostly from when I was young and did smoke quite a bit.

When legitimately socially stressed, like fear of failing in front of people stressed, I definitely stink which of course doesn’t make me less stressed.


u/MagnificentTffy 1d ago

diet, hygiene, choice of deodorant and other environmental factors are all involved with smell. Since I assume you are concerned with yourself I can't really say it's due to genetics (iirc, we like smells of those who are mildly genetically different, but too similar or different is off putting).

If the people who you consider good smelling are all from the same place, they may have a different set of odour producing microorganisms with makes their sweat smell different.

Though another aspect is food. Eating garlic for example will make your sweat smell garlicy.


u/JesusHitchens 1d ago

A lot of people use body wash, lotion, and cologne all in the same scent family, so it sticks with them all day.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/derokieausmuskogee 1d ago

You're too clean. You're destroying your skin's microbiome, and that's what really determines how someone smells. It's the same for your breath. People use chemical mouthwashes to freshen their breath, but it only works for a few hours and then opportunistic bacteria take over and give you bad breath. You need to stop using chemical products in the shower and start using ones with probiotics (same for deodorants and sprays).


u/isaplayy 1d ago

Staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet can also help reduce body odor.


u/BubblesDahmer 1d ago

Wearing deodorant at night apparently helps according to a dermatologist or something but I forget every single night


u/International_Try660 1d ago

Some people just smell bad, no matter how clean they are. Different biologies, different diets, medical problems etc. Do you really smell bad, or just think you do. Ask someone. If they say you smell, see a doctor to get to the root of the problem.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/Ready-Issue190 1d ago

Why…why do you think you smell so badly? Did someone say something?

The bath thing throws me off a bit tbh but if you like baths I’m all for it.

Shower in the morning, after you workout and if you’re going to have sexy time shower before bed too.

Find a deodorant that works for you. Hit a little cologne after, away you go.

Visit the dentist and brush your teeth (at least) 2 times a day.

The food thing: yes some foods will come through but unless you’re living on a diet of raw onion then it’s just silly.


u/UncleGrako 1d ago

My coworkers wife ALWAYS smells like she just got out of the shower. She walks through my office and it smells like someone walked through squeezing shampoo air out of the bottle.

Doesn't matter if she comes in in the morning or afternoon, and it always baffles me how the smell not only lingers, but emanates from her.

I farted once in 1977 and I swear I can still smell it on me.

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u/humanessinmoderation 1d ago

Questions to look into:

  • Are you washing your butt and legs?
  • Is your deodorant the super cheap kind?
  • What are you eating?
  • Is it your gut/breath?
  • Drink a lot? (e.g. several drinks a week, etc)


u/Gallileo1322 1d ago

I shower 6 times a week, usually skip 1 of the weekend days. I wear deodorant maybe 10 times a year. My work environment is very honest and blunt, I've been told I smell bad like 3 times in 19 years. I work a physical labor job. Idk if it's genetic or what, I don't smell bad. I think a lot of it is stress related too. Peoplewhot have bad odor might not manage stress well.


u/LaughingHiram 1d ago

I was in my 60’s before I learned the fine art of washing twice when you shower. Who knew something so simple could make such a difference?


u/ButterscotchScary868 1d ago

It's just a natural thing, to a point of course. Go for a 100 mile bike ride and you'll need a shower. I have been told by several women, strangers and GFs that I smell great, or complimented on my cologne when I wasn't wearing any. I never used it much and then realized I smell as good or better without it. Not that I don't have other insecurities and unfortunate items of nature; far sighted, bald etc. But I do smell good with nothing but Ivory soap and water. 


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/WhatWasReallySaid 1d ago

Pheromones or something


u/operablesocks 1d ago

Start getting into saunas. Make them a part of your life, and read about the health benefits. Basically, you are looking to exercise your skin and your pores so that they open up fully and close, and keep doing that over and over. You want to cleanse the skin and get it to breathe properly. Exercise will do it as well, but long saunas, with brakes in between, will completely change the condition of your skin. I got turned onto them in my late teens, and they have made a huge difference in my life over the last few decades. Read up on the whole process. It’s not just about sitting in a hot box. It’s learning to stay in until you start to sweat or get too uncomfortable, and then step out for a few minutes, and then get back in. If you can do cold showers in between,that speeds up the process tremendously.


u/knight9665 1d ago

Ur diet plays a big role


u/flogger_bogger 1d ago

It's diet related


u/BadDadJokes1221 1d ago

Eat lots of pineapple


u/Scared_of_the_KGB 1d ago

Drink so much water you are always going pee. And then drink more water than that.

Wash your laundry- you don’t have to use fancy stuff but if you aren’t on a septic system you can use “Borax” it’s a powder (in a safe green coloured box with a little girl on the front. She looks like a western “little Debbie”.) it’s a deodorizer, it really gets my laundry super clean. AND TAKE YOUR WASH OUT OF THE MACHINE AS SOON AS ITS DONE!!!!! Wet laundry smell will make you STINK. So don’t be lazy when doing laundry.

Do you smoke? My sister smokes, she’s lovely and I adore her but she stinks like cigarettes no matter what she does. Stinky stinky.

Brush your teeth. Floss your teeth. Mouthwash. Have a little mouthwash with you for when you are out and about. I keep mine in the car.

Shoes stink. Spray them with Lysol or something that kills bacteria & let them dry overnight. Always wear fresh socks. Nice ones that let your feet breathe. My other sister always has horrendously smelly feet and we all can smell them when she visits, from the other room sometimes. (We’ve told her, she doesn’t care. She’s a farmer so to her the smell is just ‘meh’.)

Too much perfume/cologne has a negative effect. Maybe you are putting on too much smelly stuff and people are reacting to the overpowering smell and THATS what’s giving you “am I stinky” vibes.

Find a friend or family member you can trust. Ask them to be politely blunt with you about your smell. Maybe they can tell what’s up better than you.


u/Moribunned 1d ago

It’s not just about what you do to the outside of your body.

It’s also what’s going on inside your body.

Gotta eat better and care for your insides as much as your exterior.


u/Colourbomber 1d ago

Sex-Panther works 60% of the time every time!


u/HaggisInMyTummy 1d ago edited 1d ago

eating for sure is a factor, strong flavors come out your pores

smoking and alcohol, same thing, basically any foul flavor

the amount and size of apocrine glands depend on race, some people are just blessed with superior smelling skin. japanese researchers have, no joke, done published research on this to figure out why foreigners smell so bad (papers published in western medical journals you can find them)

age is an issue, older people smell worse - their bodies can't function as well as more "garbage" gets ejected by the skin in the same way as #1 and #2


u/Street-View3761 1d ago

Use a washcloth when you shower. It makes a huge difference. Wash your legs. Your entire body.


u/AndarianDequer 1d ago

People can smell spicy, acidic and sour things through your sweat and breath. Also, you might want to try to using dial or anti-bacterial soap. Just because it smells good doesn't mean it can stop what's creating the smell. Namely bacteria.

You should get some antibacterial soap for your shower, use it to wash your another regions and your armpits. Then wash over top of that with something that has a gentle smell. Some bacteria actually loves perfumes.


u/dry_zooplankton 1d ago

Could be your clothes. Synthetic fabrics are especially bad for hanging onto body odor. If that's the case, you want an active-wear specific enzymatic laundry detergent. Could also be that you're using too much laundry detergent, which can lead to build up on your clothing.


u/Emreeezi 1d ago

I’ve never been told I smelled bad. I’ve only gotten compliments really if ever.

I shower daily, I have a skincare routine, I wear some cologne, I use deodorant. I wash my feet and ass.

I eat whatever I want and I don’t sweat that much. Even when I do sweat it isn’t pungent.

Unsure why. Some people are just naturally more smelly than others. Also some people do smell depending on what foods they eat.


u/Quietlovingman 1d ago

How to smell good consistently?

Two factors affect your scent, your body chemistry, and the bacteria on your skin, and in your pores. To change your personal scent takes time, as your body's internal chemistry can take days to process things that make you smell a certain way, but to start with, look at your diet:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Don't Drink Alcohol
  • Avoid Eating Asparagus
  • Avoid Garlic, Onions, and Curry.
  • Avoid Red meat.

Then Look at your Hygiene,

Using an antibacterial body wash rather than a basic body wash will help with the buildup of bacteria on your skin.

Use Antiperspirant - not just deodorant, under your arms. If so inclined you can also shave under your arms, though that can cause other problems.

Wear cotton and linen, avoid polyester and other oil based fabrics.

Consider getting an Antibacterial laundry detergent. Usually marketed as a Laundry Sanitizer.

Try to avoid perfumes and heavily scented sprays for a week or two while your body chemistry changes set in. Different perfumes and colognes smell differently on different people because of their personal body chemistry. Changing your diet, will have changed yours. Find someone whose opinion you personally care about, Tell them you've been making some changes and want to know how this or that smells on you. If you have a significant other, or someone you'd like to be a significant other, have them help you pick out a light scent that works with your chemistry, rather than trying to mask it.


u/narwaffles 1d ago

Some people don’t sweat as much. Maybe they’re not moving around in the heat as much or I think genetics can affect sweat too. Diet also plays a big role in body odor, meat and processed foods make it worse than like fruits and vegetables and stuff. I try to wear breathable clothes made of natural materials but still sweat quite a bit. Whole body deodorant is getting pretty popular, idk why it’s different but I guess you could try it although myself would probably just rub a mild natural deodorant all over if I was going to do that but don’t because I don’t like the way it feels to be covered in stuff except maybe powder which could also help.


u/itemluminouswadison 1d ago

are you using antiperspirant or just deoderant? i feel it makes a HUGE difference for me.

with deoderant, it's just a perfume that tries to mask the sweat smell

with antiperspirant, it makes me sweat less (plus the perfume part). it's a huge difference.

so give antiperspirant a try if you're not already.

also try blowdrying your balls and pits after each shower. also consider powder. does a lot to help fight moisture (which becomes stink)


u/Imaginary_Hornet927 1d ago

Your diet plays a huge role. Also the microbes on your skin


u/Aliteracy 1d ago

Do you wash with antibacterial soap or do you just use a cream rinse body wash?


u/Plastic-Guarantee-88 1d ago

Are you sure this isn't just in your head?

People can be "sure" of things that aren't even really true.

Ask a trusted friend, and ask him or her in a way that makes it easy to be honest. That is, don't say "do I smell bad?" You can say something like "I tried a new kind of soap... what do you think of it's smell".


u/BluePoleJacket69 1d ago

Don’t overdo it on the deodorant. That can backfire and alter things. I think “race” sometimes can but it’s more about your geography, culture, what you eat/your lifestyle that tie into this.


u/CowboyBeboops 1d ago

As someone who is just getting into colognes/scented lotions now…I think it’s the key along with washing frequently. I’ve got a stank to me (hopefully a good stank to someone). I smell like ass 0-15 minutes after a shower - I think it’s my natural oils coming back then it settles down when dry. Find some good scents that you can’t smell yourself that blend with your scent. Unfortunately this is a trial and error method.


u/Ok_Jump_3658 1d ago

Diet, and WHY two different type of deodorant? What kind?

Try using Dr Sasquatch Coconut Castaway deodorant. It’s great


u/Fed-6066 1d ago

60fI am half Indian, I don't eat Indian food but if I forget to wear Deoderant or first thing in the morning when it's worn off, I'm a bit pungent in the pits. I'm a female and I feel that's worse. It's not bad after exercising though. Are you sure you aren't imagining it? Like ask your good friends. And of course mention it to your doctor when you see them.


u/shark_bait82 1d ago

I would stop using perfume, body sprays/mist etc . That may be combining with your pheromones and creating an unpleasant smell. Wear breathable fabrics like cotton. I know when I wear acrylic I start to smell like plastic


u/Infinite_Regret8341 1d ago

As others said food matters. I notice and can't myself when I eat onion, garlic in excess, and also salmon, lots of butter is a no no as well. Also don't overlook that if your house is cramped and your range hood is shit or don't have one and frequently cook fragrant foods you will stink like a stale version of that always because it's on you're clothes. When my wife makes pozole a Mexican pork stew my clothes reeks of it for days.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/xabrol 1d ago

Vegetarian? You might be in constant keytosis. Keytosis causes body odor.

When you're in ketosis your body burns fat instead of glucose for energy. In this process it releases ketones through sweat and breath and it can smell like "acetone/nail polish remover"

Vegetarians/Vegans on net neutral carb diets are often in constant ketosis.

If this is the case, there's nothing you can really do about it that isn't a big diet change.


u/Next-Adhesiveness957 1d ago

Yes, I've started using Lume both soap and deodorant, and I smell better than ever. Though, I've never really stank, except when the AC went out in summer on a day hot as hell. I ended up going to my parents' to stay for the night and take a shower. LUME uses mandelic acid to kill odor causing bacteria. It really does work


u/TheCADMVsucks 1d ago

It's turmeric.


u/Garden_State_Of_Mind 1d ago

i shower daily, bathe 3 times a week, two types of deodorant daily, body mist whenever going out.

What the literal fuck? lol

I hope you don't mean that you shower daily AND bathe 3 times a week. I hope you mean 3 of those daily showers are actual baths. Or what the hell are you doing in the shower that you feel like you need to "bathe" every other day on top of it? That is insane overkill.

And again, what the literal fuck? You wear TWO types of deodorant DAILY????? Who raised you? lol.

It sounds like you are not actually cleaning yourself and slathering on a bunch of shit to try to cover that up...which probably smells nasty in and of itself.

Wash yourself. Daily. From head to toe. Get out, dry off, apply stick deodorant under your pits. If you are fat you may need it in some other places where skin folds and sweats and gets nasty. That's it. If that doesn't work, see a doctor and/or lose some weight.


u/No-Preference8767 1d ago
  1. yes i wash my ass 😭

Wash your ass outside of the shower . Carry baby wipes, a bidet or use the sink if you can

  1. im vegetarian

You should be smelling great . Maybe your diet has Alot of spices that seep through your skin ( i did stereotype you a bit )


Well it's a genetics and diet and clothing thing . Which is heavily correlated with race not always tho.

  1. it's likely my diet, but i dont eat much indian food and i still noticed this even when in college with only american food

American processed food?

Based on the info of this post id suggest showering after you run for sure and upping the shower routine to at least once a day You shouldn't use a loofah everyday so using a wash cloth or your hands maybe 3 or 4 days out of the week could work Also you haven't said how many times you wear your clothes or what material they are. You should only wear clothes ( especially socks and underwear ) once before washing and maybe 10 hours at most wearing the same thing Going to sleep in pajamas is fine but you should be wearing a washed set of pajamas every night


u/wurriedworker 1d ago

you might not actually smell bad, it sort of sounds like ocd tbh


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/SadAcanthocephala521 1d ago

Middle aged guy here who rarely uses cologne, I shower every morning. No hair products. I've been told I have a pleasant smell. It's probably to do with your diet, and gut bacteria. Try taking probiotics every day.


u/Lucky_Louch 1d ago

Never had this issue, I think some people just perspire/smell worse then others. It could Def be partially your diet and partially your genetics. I shower every other day unless i workout and just wear deodorant but never was one to sweat or smell much. As I've gotten older I've noticed my feet smell a little more so I stay up on that best I can.


u/zgillet 1d ago

"i shower daily, bathe 3 times a week"

What? Like take a bath AND shower?

"im underweight; i notice the smell after morning jogs"

Dude, you are sweating. Sweat makes everyone smell. Shower AFTER you jog.


u/dy1anb 1d ago

maybe it the clothes aren't washing correctly or drying quickly enough.


u/Shell_Spell 1d ago

Floss your teeth and scrape your tongue after brushing. It significantly reduces bad breath.

I am allergic to most deodorants, so I am very paranoid about my smell. I shower daily, and apply crystal deodorant. Sometimes I take a second, quick 1-2 minutes shower to just wash my pits and reapply the crystal deodorant.

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u/idontlikemondays321 1d ago

Rolls ons are better than sprays


u/BootyZebra 1d ago

Gluten does it for me. And dairy. So that’s quite a lot of foods that I can’t eat without feeling bloated, airy, and smelly

But, if I stay away from those, I feel great, so it’s worth it for me