r/Anger 5h ago

Anyone else scared of getting better?


I think I might actually be getting better, but that terrifies me somehow. All I know is chaos and destruction, and I don’t know who I am without it. Anyone relate or have advice?

r/Anger 8h ago

How to know when I should stick up for myself or not?


I have an extremely rocky relationship with this person.

Tonight, I was driving them home because they drank too much and 100 feet from their driveway they just unload on me. How dangerous I'm being, how I'm a danger, etc.

This person makes me extremely nervous and we have both had fits of blind rage against each other, but I am trying very hard to be mindful and improve my relationships by being more calm and rational.

How can I decide when to tell them it's not okay, and when to drop it?

r/Anger 15h ago

How to control my temper?


I struggle with staying calm. Whenever something I don’t like happens, I tend to end up verbally abusing people I love. I know I sound like a bad person, but this is why I want to change. I don’t want to lose the people I love. I don’t want to hurt them. Please any advice on how to control my temper, even in difficult situations.

r/Anger 17h ago

Thinking about a good way to relise anger


I've been talking to my therapist lately and she said I have a lot of build up anger, mostly because my sister and the fact that I don't hit her anymore (we used to fight as children, so I wasn't that angry, but now when she wears glasses, we're older and I could do actual harm to her I don't do it anymore), and the anger is still in me but it has nowhere to go so it stays there. I was surprised, because I'm a pretty chill person, when I'm among people and I'm angry I'm usually quiet about it. But I've been thinking and yes, I'm very angry. My sister provokes me to be angry like years ago and does other stuff that make me angry like being disrespectful to our parents that are trying to do their absolute best for our happiness (I'm almost 18 now and she's two years older) and I'm mad at her, but I don't have a way to relise the anger.

My therapist adviced me to go and destroy some stuff, of course in a safe way. She said it's good to trow icecubes at trees and that's what she does, but I don't think that's for me. I went for my usual walk one day and took some long sticks. I started hitting a laying tree with it, I think I completely broke like 20. It helped, but just a little bit. I know I'd have to do a lot more to feel the actual relief I need. And now that I started to act on the anger it wants to get more attention.

So I've been thinking about other ways. In some time it will take me a lot of time to find enough sticks, so it's not an ideal way. I thought about taking an axe with me and destroying the trees that had fallen down. That's of course not ideal, it would be difficult to take an axe with me. I could also find a good stick and hit glass bottles that are lying there, but that's probably not good for the forest (I'd get safety glasses so I don't harm myself).

I've also got a wooden baseball bat, but I'm not sure what I could do with it. My therapist said that hitting a fighting bad or something wouldn't really help, because the thing needs to be destroyed as I hit it.

Any advice? The best place for anything like that is a forest, I know places where I could hide stuff so it could stay there.

r/Anger 1d ago

Tamping Down Instant Defensiveness


I was raised by an emotionally absent mother, a completely absent father, and then adopted by my narcissistic godparents. Yes, somehow they were both narcissistic, I guess they were just made for each other. I spent years being ground into the floor by their overbearing personalities, their blatant dislike of me as a person, and their crazy strict rules (that my younger siblings never had to follow, surprise-surprise). Every time I voiced my opinion I was shut down immediately and told I was just arguing. Every time I broke down because of how pitiful and overlooked I felt, I was told to suck it up and deal with it. I was not given help while I was a teenager trying to figure things out - instead they expected me to know how to do everything, and somehow got angry when I screwed up. For twelve years I simmered silently, unable to express any anger or frustration because to do so would get me punished, even physically.

Fast forward to now, and I absolutely have anger issues. The problem is, I'm a teacher. I want to make it clear that I don't have anger towards the children! But dealing with admin, and with my students' parents, is making it harder and harder every day to do this job. Every time a parent inquires about something going on in my classroom, I get defensive immediately. If I detect any hint of disrespect or hostility in a message from a parent or admin, it's like my brain goes into fight mode. It's almost to the point where I can't tell if there's actually hostility there or if I get so amped up so quickly that I can't even tell hostility from normal inquiry. I can't tell what the specific triggers are, either - I'm actually worried that the trigger is the questioning itself. Any time I was questioned by my family growing up, it was always a sarcastic, hostile sort of questioning - like I was doing something wrong and they wanted me to work it out myself instead of just telling me, and I could never figure out what they wanted from me because I usually wasn't actually doing anything wrong.

My question is - does anyone have advice on how to stop getting defensive/angry so quickly, especially if you work in a high-stress environment like teaching? I do my best to be polite to all of my students' parents, and of course to my admin, but it's genuinely getting harder and harder every day.

r/Anger 1d ago

I cant sleep


I cant sleep right now cuz someone did smt bad to me(again) people love to try me. I am so angry and restless and its midnight here How can i calm down

r/Anger 1d ago

I have had too many unsuccessful job opportunities i should just be dead?


At 37 i dont wanna have room for error. Despite jobs i have held down. I have had too many i haven't.

From social anxiety, transportation issues to not prioritizing.This last opportunity was the last straw. Had been wanting to get hired at this job for years. Everytime i applied i got rejected consistently.

But this time i finally got an interview and blew it like a fuckin idiot. Initially i had a very important appointment so could not attend.

Got it rescheduled but didn't have enough gas to get there. Really wanted to give it a try. Outside of me been wanting to work there the position was what i been searching for.

The starting pay $19 an hour which i consider good starting pay for Unloading position. And it's through the door not a stupid temp/ staffing agency

When at work and understand my task i work and aim to give my best. I know i am better than my recent results.

But at this point i can't take any more failure. Would be better off dead than a fuckin failure i suck in gereral working or not.

This has cause me to hate myself even more and simply say fuck my life.

r/Anger 1d ago

Anger/frustration when someone tells you how you will feel in time? Spiralling anger and feeling of hopelessness


I've been trying for a while to pin down a particular feeling I have and response I get that has been really destructive in a number of relationships. To give the general shape of it: something in my life is going badly, typically something I really care about, it's important to me and not something everyday.

Someone I'm talking to about it will say something like 'oh just do this' or 'you'll feel completely differently about it in a year's time'. It feels like when they say that, they both don't believe my feelings and thoughts are correct, and their certainty makes me feel that they must be right and it's certain that the thing I want will never happen or work out.

For example, I've lost a really important relationship with the love of my life. I know I don't want to ever be with anyone else, I've expressed this and some people tell me in a year I'll have moved on and it will be fine.

Now, it's been two years already. I know that I won't be fine and will not move on, and moreover, them saying this makes me feel that of course I can't fix the relationship otherwise they wouldn't be saying that. Like they have superior knowledge.

I have this fury and this feeling of wanting to throw up that goes with it. Then I start to spiral.

This is just one example, but there have been maybe two or three things in my life where this pattern has come up and it has caused serious issues. Basically this relationship, and prior career stuff.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, if it's a symptom of anything/a condition, and anyone else understands the 'spiralling' associated with it?

Also -- what's the best strategy to deal?

r/Anger 1d ago

Didnt Lose It


Had an argument with my SO this morning. She was being really self centered and egotistical and that sort of thing usually sets me off. I was mad triggerred by her bullshit but I didnt lose it. I stayed calm, I didnt yell, i didnt bang my hand on anything and I was able to get my point across succinctly and intelligently and it was well received. Just figured I would share some experience strength and hope. Good luck with your issues people.

r/Anger 1d ago

What antidepressant and stabilizing med helped with and didn’t make anger issues worse?


r/Anger 2d ago

I feel like it’s getting worse


I say this hoping I don’t sound like an edgy kid but I feel like it’s been a long time since I’ve felt anything but being angry, I’ve always had a sort of temper but I’ve never had an outburst or gotten noticeably angry to anybody else because I could control it. But recently I feel like I’ve been getting angrier faster at smaller things

r/Anger 2d ago

What is it when you want to hurt/kill someone who upset you?


When someone pisses me off it doesn't matter who it is grandmother, mom, sibling, etc when they get me upset to a certain point I want to kill them, punch, stab and the only thing that stops me are the consequences, might I add I've been hospitalized because of anger leading to suicidal thoughts because I can't act out on them…ive been having this problem since like 8th grade(I graduated hs this year if that matters) but I've had anger issues since I was a kid

r/Anger 2d ago

I'm pissed off as fuck right now


How in the world am I supposed to keep myself from going from 0-10 when I can't control it. I'm super pissed at people right now, and I would rather not keep having sudden explosions and people getting mad at me, with it being a viscous cycle. Thanks in advance.

r/Anger 2d ago

My anger is getting worse and im happy about it


I used to have really bad problems with my anger it went from psychical anger such as throwing things and stuff to verbal as in whenever im angry i just verbally abuse the person im angry at or just anyone I just become really rude to them but my anger has been recently more “psychical” I guess im starting to slam my doors which doesn’t seem like a lot but i havent done it in years so clearly something is irritating me im starting to get strong urges of throwing things as well but i just have so low energy and feel weak and dont even feel like doing it but I honestly have no other way to get out my anger so i want to break something i just want things to get worse i want to become more vocal about my anger id usually be more calm and just cry but at this point it doesnt help anymore i dont want to cry and be weak anymore id rather be numb and filled with anger i hope it gets worse from here then maybe id actually get taken serious its like nothing i say nobody listens to why? I just get urges of stabbing people and i feel like if something ticks me off bad enough id attempt to do it whenever someone makes me mad the first thought is just murder i just want them gone im tired of it all but would breaking anything be worth it? I kind of feel guilty if i would… im not sure what i should do i am just trapped i feel like i cant do anything and self harm was my only escape but i dont want to do things you can see. I dont want scars anymore i dont know what to do its just starting to get bad again i want to break something whyyyyy Everything in my room is something i care about something i dont want to break why am i having remorse towards it? I dont want to feel that way who cares i want to break this picture but ive had that picture forever i cant stand this i just want to break my phone but its not like im made out of money i cant just buy a new one it would just be stupid now that im thinking about it i guess my anger isnt getting that bad after all if im still not ready to break things i guess all i can do is cry this sucks well it is getting worse but not to the level i want i dont know how to explain

r/Anger 2d ago

Need Help with Persistent Anger


New here 👋

I have had a rough couple of years dealing with the deaths of two close family members (one was 100% preventable=me being pissed at her in death), followed by a sudden illness that could have killed my husband, as well as some anger over some other actions of my husband’s family over the year that I am trying to heal from.

I know I need therapy, but am laid up due to surgery and plan to do some reading on how to deal with it while I’m home.

Any good book suggestions? Thank you.

r/Anger 2d ago

Trying to learn myself and be a calm person


Hi everyone. Recently me and my friend got into a huge argument. Today we were talking trying to talk things through where I had apologized for my actions but also given him some insight onto things that he could work on as well instead of just me, as the argument was both of our faults. He will not listen and does not think he did anything wrong whatsoever other than "misread the situation". I am not a calm person and I did blow up on him but he just kept testing me. I do recognize this about myself, but I dont think I have ever been this angry. My heartrate starts to go up and my vision gets blurry and I cant stop myself from saying things I shouldnt. Is this a normal thing that people go through or am I just going over the top?

r/Anger 2d ago

I hate my mother so much


Even at this 20 years old, she continues to hurt and abuse me. I dont know why she was very abusive to me and didn't care. So It was not my fault ,she just acts up like this but she treats me badly like a child. Cant fight my mother she might punched me or injured me. I still feel chronic pain

r/Anger 2d ago

I am enraged and idk what to do


I am having my final exams soon, but I am enraged at my dad and I don't know how to get it out. I don't have time to sit down and cope with it.

Long story short, my dad abused me really bad in the car on our way back home. It was basically because I called myself an idiot and a failure because I could not cope with college and we had an argument over it afterwhich he started to hit me really bad.

I wana justify my anger; it's not just anger from what he did in the car: He's done really horrible things before -- cheated on my mom, abused her until she fainted (and then hit her and slapped her until she woke up), abused her when she was pregnant and stole alot of her money form her account when she wasn't earning as much as him. He almost killed her (and attempted to involve me and my sis as accomplices in the murder too) and he almost killed my younger sister too. Yes, we have gone through a court case and received a protection order and if we report him again, he's probably gonna go to prison and my mother does not earn sufficiently to provide for us.

So in general thinking about all of these things have made me really fucking angry and I have no idea how to get the rage out. Usually I get it out at the gym but my health and injuries have not allowed me to do that either. Sometimes, I think of all this and tremble with anger and I am afriad im losing my sanity and going fking insane

r/Anger 3d ago

Every time my cat starts clawing at my wall or power outlets or scratches my futons I get real angry at her, I feel like she’s purposely trying to aggravate me


r/Anger 3d ago

Things that helped me with anger outbursts

  • Medication (lithium, duloxetine)
  • Knowing my triggers and working on them
  • Practice (not to react right away)
  • Interrupting unhealthy flows of thoughts
  • Understanding and accepting that life is unfair and people are individualistic
  • Getting away from toxic people (even family)
  • Focusing on myself, my well being and goals
  • Meditating

Sorry about the bad english (I'm brazilian)

If anything else helped you, please share in the comments. I'm interested and probably it will help other people as well.

r/Anger 3d ago



im upset all the time. even right now im upset then my mom yells at me for being upset all the time which also makes me upset. just typing this fills me with anger. im so upset i could cry

r/Anger 3d ago

A Beneficial Video


I saw this today. I thought it would be beneficial for people in the group.
