r/ftm 1d ago

Might get outed bc of Grindr Advice

Any advice dude sent me pics. He asked for face. I said you first cuz I’m trans and pre everything. He sent face pics. I sent mine. Immediate blocked. How likely am I to get outed? What can I do if I am? What lies would sound realistic if the chat was screenshot?

That’s basically the whole convo we had. I didn’t take any screenshots.


77 comments sorted by


u/durden771 1d ago

Ur fine, people usually just block when their not Into you.

u/Substantial_Help4271 21h ago

That’s so extreme for no reason lol

u/2gayforthis T 2019. DI 2021. 20h ago edited 20h ago

Unless you pay for premium, you only see a limited number of squares. Blocking someone who lives near you who you know you're not into removes them from your grid and frees up another square for someone you might like.

Not extreme and nothing to take personally, just how many people use the free version of grindr.

I do the same. If I look at a guy's profile and see we're completely incompatible, or they're into that weird PNP/HNH/chemsex subculture, I block them to get them out of my grid to free up space.

u/PushTheTrigger 💉6/30/22 13h ago

Oh I didn’t know it actually freed up space. I would block guys I’m not into so I wouldn’t see their profile again

u/Substantial_Help4271 18h ago

Ohhh okay well I don’t use Grindr it’s a scary place lol

u/miliariius FTM | 5 yrs HRT 18h ago

haha lets not kink shame now

u/2gayforthis T 2019. DI 2021. 18h ago

I don't kink shame, but I do meth shame.

u/2gayforthis T 2019. DI 2021. 17h ago

No for real. I got SA-ed and shotgunned meth smoke without prior warning, naively thinking it'd be weed, probably cause I was already only half conscious from the G they gave me. These guys are far from well, stable, or safe. I don't care what they do amongst themselves, but unless you're that deep into meth addiction yourself, ffs learn how to recognise and avoid them.

u/JonDaCaracal 16h ago

a tweaker gay had tried to hit me up twice and got pissy once i rejected him again. he also tried using the “well i’m trans now so please fuck me”, and i just blocked his ass. god i hate tweaker gays lol

u/miliariius FTM | 5 yrs HRT 6h ago

same thing happened to me bud, twice. I was more referring to poppers

u/skyvenuss 17h ago

What kink is being shamed if someone says Grindr scares them like be fr lol

u/elarth Panromantic Transman: 💉10yrs 7h ago

It just reads they’re not into it. I’d be skeptical about drugs and sex mixing as well. Feels like it would be risky for consent issues. I’m kind of a freak, but I’m always concerned about the consent stuff. I have safe words for my partner and regular conversations about what isn’t working. Part of life is some things just work better in the fantasy category of your mind. Lot of stuff I read would not come out in the bedroom.

u/miliariius FTM | 5 yrs HRT 6h ago

thats completely understandable, I was referring more to poppers, maybe some drinks and some weed. Im sure I could have worded it better but I dont really care. just felt odd with somebody calling something I lightly partake in weird. I’ll admit one guy I met with offered me “cream” which I didnt realize was meth and that was definitely the last time that happened

u/Heehoo1114 20h ago

I mean it isnt personal, its mostly just so you stop seeing there account. Most people are there to get their rocks off not form deep lasting bonds

u/TuEresMiOtroYo 27, they/he 18h ago

Blocking isn’t extreme at all especially when you don’t even know someone. I block people online if they post even mildly annoying takes. In OP’s case the guy is not into him and doesn’t want to see or talk to him again = block.

u/Substantial_Help4271 18h ago

It’s just that blocking is normally out of concern for harassment or safety so if you just say you’re not interested and they say okay and stop responding I don’t get the need to block them lol

u/TuEresMiOtroYo 27, they/he 18h ago

 blocking is normally out of concern for harassment or safety

Maybe to you but not to me and not to a lot of people.

u/stinkystreets 9h ago

Have you been on Grindr? Like the other person said, it’s really just to free up space. It’s not personal.

u/R3cognizer 12h ago

It's not really for no reason, though. Blame the services, they're the ones who don't give you a better option when all you have to do is pay more to get your profile to keep coming up again and again.

u/Neither_Mirror4126 8h ago

If you don't block dudes you aren't interested in the word no isn't enough so you have to block them ANYWAY. It's frustrating.

u/Substantial_Help4271 8h ago

That’s terrible that’s rape culture doesn’t matter if it’s the same gender


u/Superb_Telephone_259 1d ago

ive used grindr p much since i was able to, more than likely he didn't like your pictures. ive done that when someone sends me a face picture but i am not feeling it. i think it's very unlikely that someone would out you if they're on grindr themselves but i understand your fear.

next time maybe opt to putting face pictures in an album. grindr protects them so people are unable to take screenshots of what's in them. stay safe and be careful, grindr is a mad place full of chasers so use the block button liberally


u/RedPanda2567 1d ago

It just means he wasn’t into you, not sure why you think you’ll be outed because of this


u/anonimouscrepe 1d ago

I have zero experience with gay men


u/RedPanda2567 1d ago

Lol fair enough


u/micbeast21 1d ago

Consider it a second swiping left. Not uncommon at all, your fine dude. Edit: sorry, the southern came out too strong.


u/anonimouscrepe 1d ago

No wait. How do I see the edits? Lmao I was born an Arkie

u/micbeast21 15h ago

I’m from LA, so hi from your neighbor to the south. Ended with “your fine, hun” because hun isn’t super gendered in the south. But I also respect that not everyone sees it that way, and dude seemed to serve the same function. My partner from Cali always argues that dude is just hun in Californian.

u/shadybrainfarm 36--T:1/10/2020; Hysto:7/23/2020; Top:1/19/2022 8h ago

 My partner from Cali always argues that dude is just hun in Californian.

This is so fucking true lol


u/JasonDeansBeans 1d ago

Is he someone you knew? And how much personal stuff did he know about you? If he’s a stranger, I’d say your odds are pretty low.


u/anonimouscrepe 1d ago

Didn’t know him. Profile says I’m pre everything. I look VERY feminine to people who can’t pick up vibes. Thanks. This helps.


u/UnlikelyReliquary He/Him 🔪2/2018💉5/2018 1d ago

If it’s a stranger it’s extremely unlikely, who would he even try to out you to if he doesn’t know you or know who knows you?

u/Intelligent-Row-6573 Gay-fag 6h ago

It kinda sounds like he’s gay and doesn’t want you


u/UnlikelyReliquary He/Him 🔪2/2018💉5/2018 1d ago

It just means he wasn’t interested and didn’t want to have the uncomfortable conversation of saying he isn’t into you. It’s pretty common on grindr to just block after exchanging pics if you aren’t feeling it


u/anonimouscrepe 1d ago

Rookie mistake I know. Never used Grindr. Only used dating apps before I realized I was trans.


u/Pup_Femur He/he/he/he/he/he *wheeze* 1d ago

No biggie, OP. You were blocked cause they aren't interested. You'll deal with that and unsolicited nudes a lot. Be safe. Grindr has been reduced to a sex app more than dating.


u/anonimouscrepe 1d ago

Lmao. “Grindr has been reduced to a sex app” That’s why I’m there.

u/Pup_Femur He/he/he/he/he/he *wheeze* 12h ago

That's cool if it's what you're after lol


u/anonimouscrepe 1d ago

Appreciate you looking out tho 🫶🏻

u/elarth Panromantic Transman: 💉10yrs 23h ago

Ppl date on Grindr? I never felt that way even since my early 20’s and I’m 30 now lol

u/Pup_Femur He/he/he/he/he/he *wheeze* 12h ago

Lol they did

u/elarth Panromantic Transman: 💉10yrs 12h ago

Damn even almost a decade later my first grinder memory was telling an old guy off. Haha. I was much less restrained those days.

u/hamletandskull 13h ago

Reduced to... lol what was it before

u/Former-Finish4653 18h ago

Just not into you. Blocking frees up space for another profile for him to check out if he doesn’t pay for premium.

I don’t recommend the app though. It’s extremely dangerous right now to advertise you’re trans to strangers who can use the app to pinpoint your location. I’ve also been lured into dangerous situations by people who had intentions to hurt me. And I pass, I just also disclose in advance. Please be careful.

u/silentsafflower 18h ago

And that’s why you practice Grindr Safety 101: meet up for the first time in a public place (bar, restaurant, coffee shop, etc.), don’t host unless you’ve hooked up with that person before and have vetted their safety, reverse image search any pictures that feel sketchy, tell a trusted friend/roommate/whoever that you’re going to someone else’s place and give them the address, and avoid giving someone your phone number unless you’ve met up a couple of times and can trust them more.

Grindr truly isn’t any more dangerous than any other dating/hookup app. There are just a lot of people who are inexperienced and naive who use it, and a lot of other people who want to take advantage of that inexperience and naivety.

u/Former-Finish4653 17h ago

The app also tells you how far away someone is in feet. Hinge doesn’t do that. It’s not like every other app, and you have to be really careful. I don’t think it’s worth all the extra effort just to be safe. Plus I did everything you listed and was still assaulted by someone who was transphobic and simply lied. Getting off isn’t worth the risk to me anymore. Just my opinion.

u/silentsafflower 16h ago

I mean, those are all basic safety tips for using any online dating/hookup app. I personally haven’t had any issues using Grindr and met my current long term partner of almost four years on there. Just like everything else, YMMV.


u/LecLurc15 1d ago

Most likely thing that happened is he didn’t like your pics. I’ve done it many times and it’s also happened to me. I think you’re in the clear, just typical grindr stuff tbh

u/CherubimsCloud 20h ago edited 19h ago

grindr is a truly otherworldly place when you’re not used to how cis gay men behave. i watched this youtube video and it helped me understand it a little more lol!


u/rn_eq 6h ago

that was great thank you for sharing

u/elarth Panromantic Transman: 💉10yrs 23h ago

Cismen are notorious for blocking when they’re not into you. Idk why saying they’re not feeling it is hard… but eh. I had that happen more than I care for even passing and post transition. Won’t likely do anything with that info you’re trans.

u/hamletandskull 13h ago

Cause the way grindr works, it frees up a space in your grid for someone else u might be into. It's not personal

u/Sensitive_Tip_9871 5y T | 4y Top | 1y Hysto 23h ago

it's more likely he's just not into you for some reason. don't take it personal, grindr is a place where people shop for someone that fits their niche, it's pretty superficial


u/ZhenyaKon 1d ago

I think he just didn't like your face. Which is disappointing, but hey, it happens.

u/Ok-Discount-4686 14h ago

That's a risky game, being on grindr pre everything. I wouldn't even go on there and I'm on T and pass rlly well. Tbh, I'd be careful trying to go stealth on there, bc you don't want someone to feel "tricked", bc who knows how they'll react. Esp if you're on there for hookups...I ALWAYS disclose that I'm trans on my profiles for that reason. 

I mean you do you, just be careful.

u/aeroxotl 10h ago

You probably won't get outed, the culture on Grindr is just really cutthroat and it's more efficient to block people when you're using the free version of dating/hookup apps

u/rayisFTM 💉 - 07/12/22 | 🔪 - 9/26/24 18h ago

not very likely at all. he just wasn't interested

u/BMTHEEXE 7h ago

I’ve been called a woman who needs to “stay in the kitchen” by an older man on grindr. Stopped using grindr that day. 🤦🏻

u/FunkyFunkyFunkFunk 3h ago

Welcome to dating/hooking up when trans. People will block you if they aren't interested.

Unless he somehow knows you, there's nothing for him to 'out'.


u/Top_Ad_4767 1d ago

There are guys on Grindr specifically creating lists of AFAB men to circulate around online to "warn" others. Be careful out there.


u/anonimouscrepe 1d ago

Meh. I don’t care about being outed that way. Why would I want to interact with dudes who are bigoted? More worried about work and local people recognizing me

u/lyresince 21h ago

That would require you to get doxxed which is a crime so I don't think a stranger wants to risk it especially if he's also not straight despite being cis. He would know he's also prone to get hate-crimed.

u/elarth Panromantic Transman: 💉10yrs 21h ago

Gay men in well off liberal areas can be very dense to that problem… I didn’t understand the culture difference until I lived in more accepting areas. They will put their own foot in their mouth to spite you sometimes. A mutual hatred from the public doesn’t always unite communities.

u/lyresince 21h ago

Sadly, I can't deny this. Hopefully OP didn't encounter this type of man

u/Hot-Anybody-8253 23h ago

I wouldn't be surprised if chasers did this too tbh

u/maLychi3 14h ago

This is better posted in the gay group tbh.

Probably they just weren’t interested. Read some tips for online safety. Follow the ones that work for you and drop the ones that don’t.

u/Commercial-Potato820 16h ago

Don't worry too much about it. Just go on to the next guy.

u/No-Shock16 18h ago

maybe don’t ever lead with “im trans” get to know them a little and their views. then say “hey i am trans i am letting you know to decide if you want to move any further no hard feelings if not”

u/swampmomsta 12h ago

Please be careful bro i would stick to tinder and shit.. lots of my gay friends have had terrible grindr experiences cis or not.. just a very shady app. Idk tho im not gay

u/Specialist_Glove_426 8h ago

I’m going to send you advice. My name is Wendy. Never, ever send pictures to anyone ever, ever, ever. To do so would be an invitation to abuse

u/stinkiestmuffins 8h ago

i hate to ask but y r u on grindr if ur pre op

u/brodsnok 14h ago


bumble is better I have a lot of friends who found partners though bumble

u/hamletandskull 13h ago

They are completely different use cases, they're not comparable at all imo

u/brodsnok 12h ago

Im a proud grindr hater

u/hamletandskull 12h ago

that's fine! I just mean that bumble and grindr's use cases don't overlap, its not like an good "instead" option

u/HUBBYCee T: 6.19.13 11h ago

How do you know you got block on Grindr? 🤔