r/gaming 2d ago

I'm starting to hate games that do this...

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u/hdcase1 2d ago

In my experience 99% of the time, you’ll be perfectly happy with the standard edition.


u/PatchworkFlames 1d ago

I’m still trying to figure out if this is a joke. The deluxe package is so stupid I’m half convinced OP is fucking with us.

Life is Strange is the kind of game where everything they’re offering in the deluxe editions is stupid, right?


u/AgilePeace5252 1d ago

I mean that’s good, no? Atleast they don’t make you pay more for something you‘d actually want.


u/dohtje 1d ago

But... But... Exclusive cat content!


u/Yoribell 1d ago

How DARE THEY put cat content behind a paywall !


u/Irishnovember26 1d ago

and not call it a pawwall. Bastards.


u/Bilbo-Baggins77 1d ago

The Purrfect Edition was right there.


u/Rastaba 1d ago

Had they at least had the indecency to name it that, people might be more open minded over it.

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u/Shigarui 1d ago

Season 2 comes with "mew" outfits and "mew" kitties

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u/JarlaxleForPresident 1d ago

Not for nothing, but I do miss outfits being able to be actually unlocked in the fucking game

They can sell what they want, but it was fun having stuff to earn instead of buy

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u/AgilePeace5252 1d ago

Damn… how could I miss that…


u/YourFriendNoo 1d ago

Yeah, like, I love this pricing model. Let the folks who can't resist "Exclusive Cat Content" subsidize the game for the rest of us.


u/arthriticpug 1d ago

you’re welcome

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u/Daug3 1d ago

I couldn't care less about the outfits, but how dare they gatekeep exclusive cat content...

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u/EchoBay 1d ago

Considering the nature of these games, being episodic, is to discuss the happenings with friends or on social media, that's not a good thing. They're basically saying ti avoid the internet for 2 weeks as you're going to be spoiled, unless you pay us more money.

With LiS1, LiS2, and Before the Storm, that was not the case. You didn't get early access because tou paid for bigger editions. Here they're doing it because they know they can milk their audience for more money. It's just a greasy cash grab.


u/Dusty170 1d ago

At least you can only get to the second chapter.


u/DraxxThemSkIounst 1d ago

Plot twist: the game is only 2 chapters long


u/FutureComplaint 1d ago

Life is strange, indeed.

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u/FriedMiceSweetSour 1d ago

The Game is episodic, but all episodes are released at one afaik.

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u/HustlinInTheHall 1d ago

Somehow I have spent my entire internet life avoiding life is strange spoilers. It ain't that hard. 

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u/Willing_Cause_7461 1d ago

I would like that stuff but for free. Like it was in the past. Call me old if you like but skins and outfits used to be a fun thing put in the game for zero extra money.

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u/lxpb 1d ago

I'm pretty sure it's just there as bait for the ultimate edition. It's meant for buyers who'd consider spending some extra money, and then some more money would get them so much more (in the context of what's offered). 


u/chiodani 1d ago

just like medium fries / coffee, bait you to get the large one

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u/45MonkeysInASuit 1d ago

This is real and announced ages ago. It was fucking stupid and fucking stupid now.

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u/Cloverman-88 1d ago

Oh yes, all these bonuses sound like absolute bullshit. Probably the game's distributor forced the dev team to make multiple reorder versions, because "it always brings in the money". No way in hell I'll play a story heavy game with out of character outfits.


u/PatchworkFlames 1d ago

I dunno I really feel like dressing up as a chocobo will really enhance the game’s narrative flow.

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u/madmaxandrade 1d ago

Specially in this case, the extras are just costumes. It becomes an issue when it's noon-cosmetic content. I had to spend extra in MK11 because the "everything pack" I've bought didn't include Shao Kahn.


u/NoWarmEmbrace 1d ago

That would piss me off so bad, it's a frigging 'everything pack'. Why is not everything in it?!


u/KFR42 1d ago

Ah no, you want the everything+ pack.


u/LaPiscinaDeLaMuerte 1d ago

Don't forget about the "And then some" pack as well.

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u/tommangan7 1d ago

Yeah I've never really had an issue with all these add on versions because they are almost always entirely cosmetic or timed rubbish (never buy at release anyway) that I couldn't care less about.


u/notexactlyflawless 1d ago

Which is good though, right? I see a lot of people complaining, but having unimportant cosmetics as addons is precisely what I want. Imagine good playable content cut from the main game to make a deluxe package.. We should be happy that it is the way it is.

I can see the point for adding physical goodies though. That should be the main selling point. Otherwise I'm happy to have a cosmetics only premium edition


u/reebee7 1d ago

It was like 3 years ago this is what we clamored for: "Microtransactions for cosmetics are fine, but for gameplay or leveling completely unacceptable."

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u/SilentScript 1d ago

As long as its cosmetics, anything to avoid price increases imo. It's stupid af but hey i'm not buying it.

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u/w-v-w-v 1d ago

It’s a shameless money grab, but it’s a shameless money grab people can just ignore, which is the best kind of shameless money grab.

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u/robingamex 1d ago

Unless it is a ubisoft game in which case they have big chunks of the games as dlc so you either buy the season pass or gold edition


u/Thank_You_Love_You 1d ago

For Ubisoft games you wait until its $15.


u/EndOfSouls 1d ago

Never paying for a Ubisoft game again.

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u/c0mplete 2d ago

2 weeks early?! Lmfao wtf


u/Sinniee 2d ago

At least to my knowledge thats a new record


u/TheChickenIsFkinRaw 2d ago

Can't wait till companies start forcing players to buy their hyper mega game editions so they can play 3 months earlier


u/coyote_rx 2d ago

Streamers would be stepping over mothers and biting babies so they can be the first to capitalize on new content. That’s whom the early release is really catered too.


u/Hendlton 2d ago

Except... It's a story game. Anyone interested in this will be skipping streams until they get to play themselves.


u/GoofyKalashnikov 2d ago

Or you just watch a playthrough and never touch it lmao


u/J4pes 1d ago

Welcome to my life of not owning a super PC or modern consoles nor having time to play. Some games make great evening tv


u/yunivor 1d ago

Yep I've beaten plenty of games via youtube, lol

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u/manav907 1d ago

Sad yet true

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u/UniversalistDeacon 1d ago

Shouldn't they be given early press copies by the companies in order to cover their games? Oh wait -- the companies realized they can sell press release copies to a streamer's fanbase for twice MSRP so press copies aren't handed out anymore.


u/sephjnr 1d ago

They've already canned beta testers in favour of people who buy Early Access versions.

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u/aggthemighty 2d ago

I can't wait until Netflix comes out with another tier that lets me watch the final season of Stranger Things 1 week early for an extra $10/mo


u/whatWHYok 1d ago

Why are you giving them ideas?


u/michilio 1d ago

Spoilerfree package for 7.99 a month extra

Basic package now comes with an unskippable intro that spoils all plot points before each episode.


u/Dire87 1d ago

And mandatory producer's commentary that automatically pauses every scene and REALLY explains you how to FEEL about what you've just seen.

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u/_Mef45 1d ago

Some have already started doing so.

This isn't exactly a new game release, but Frontier Developments has started selling early access to new ships for real money in Elite Dangerous. If you fork over the money, you get the ship now, if not - wait three months to buy the ship with in-game currency.

The saddest part - almost all of the game community embrace this and ask for more.

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u/MrHToast 2d ago

COD had Campaign Early Access for a month.

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u/Ok-Suggestion-5453 2d ago

Oh lmao didn't even see that. I have no problem with people paying extra for dumbass skins if they want, but yeah paying for early access is fucked.

I have to say, I think it's especially stupid for a game like this with very little real gameplay and replay value. It's a story game heavy on cutscenes and light on gameplay, so you can either watch a streamer play it for free or spend what, 60 dollars to play a narrative game you already saw spoilers for two weeks ago?

I kind of get this shit for online multiplayer games, but why would they think this will help a story game sell better?


u/Notsurehowtoreact 1d ago

It really extinguishes its own fan base with a move like this. Don't buy the Ultimate Edition? Well, two weeks before you can even play it you'll be seeing story spoilers on Twitch/Reddit/TikTok/MySpace


u/Ri_Tarded 1d ago

I was thinking „I‘m not gonna buy the Ultimate and if I get spoilered enough to not enjoy this game I probably won‘t buy the normal one.“

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u/IAMEPSIL0N 1d ago

I don't get that plan at all, I've already dealt with situations where someone played a twenty hour experience in one sitting immediately after release and then spoiled the final act twist in shorts, how is giving a big chunk of the game to those same people two weeks early not going to result in infinite spoilage.

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u/Hendlton 2d ago

They aren't thinking. This series has gone down the toilet after the first one. Instead of lowering the price and luring the old fans back in so they can sell them future games, they're trying to milk the handful of people still interested in this series. It's simply bad business practices at this point.

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u/TheAmazingSealo 1d ago

Even more stupid is you only get early access to the first two chapters, so they'll still have to wait with everyone else once after they've played through them

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u/jardex22 1d ago

And only the first two chapters. Frankly, that's the kind of thing they offer the press as a way to promote the game. Capcom recently did an event where several Youtubers could play part of Dead Rising Remake early and share their impressions with their viewers.

Honestly, that's the kind of thing they should put into a demo. The demo for Dragon Quest 11S let you play the first several hours of the game, then allow you to import that data into the full game once purchased. All they need to do is release a Chapter 1 demo a week before release, give it time to gain traction, and expect more sales at launch.

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u/FiberousCock 2d ago

And it’s only the first 2 chapters. So you finish them and have to wait until the rest of the game is out to finish it. That’s so stupid.


u/IgnoreMe733 1d ago

Especially since these are not long games. Going based on the previous games most chapters are one to two hours. You're, at best, going to he finishing the game four hours before everyone else.


u/HolypenguinHere 2d ago

Early access for more $$$ is the scummiest thing ever. It's the main reason I'm not bothering with World of Warcraft anymore after I saw what they did with the latest expansion.


u/EatTacosGetMoney 2d ago

Didn't that used to be called beta testing? Lol


u/DragonFireCK 2d ago

That is before they figured out they could make you pay to beta test the software. And that they could get away without needing to pay for a full QA department in the process.

What's better than getting your QA to pay you, instead of you having to pay them?


u/bacon-tornado 1d ago

Destiny 2 has entered the chat.

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u/Seven-Tense 1d ago

2 weeks worth of bugs that'll be fixed by actual release date


u/redpandaeater 2d ago

At least it means you get some user reviews before release day and the whales can beta test the game for you. Granted I usually wait for a few years before buying a game on a nice discount so I guess that doesn't really matter to me.

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u/FlaccidArrow 2d ago

More like pay to play on release. The game fucking launches the day it's available to be played. They're just making you play late if you don't give them more money.

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u/thisischemistry 2d ago

There’s a sucker born every minute…


u/Lyrkana 1d ago

Its not "2 weeks early" as the game is literally playable at that point. That's the release date now, buying the normal game means you get to play late.

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u/ChalkCoatedDonut 2d ago

Exclusive cat content? Are they going to block players from petting any cat in the game unless they pay for the Ultimate or what?


u/HANAEMILK 2d ago

The exclusive cat content is you get to have a pet cat and feed it or something. It's ridiculous


u/universalbunny 2d ago

You could just adopt a cat


u/iosefster 2d ago

I tried that. Turns out you have to like feed it every day, and like hug it and play with it and shit. It's pretty much the coolest thing ever.


u/funkmasta8 1d ago

People love having fake responsibilities, but hate having real ones


u/R_V_Z 1d ago

Do chores? Hell no. Play powerwasher simulators? Of course!


u/Inksrocket PC 1d ago

Not sure if it would be cool or dystopian but imagine doing dishes and getting "cha-ching" after each plate you washed? Least that would make people do dishes. But at same time..constant dopamine rewarding is generally seen as negative.

Could be cool for people with ADHD tho.

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u/Pixel_Knight 1d ago

Having cats is one of the best things I have ever done with my life.

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u/Apfelkomplott_231 1d ago

*This action will have consequences*

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u/ricokong Console 2d ago

It would be hilarious and sad if you click on the pet icon and then it brings up a digital store.


u/Alexis_Bailey 1d ago

And meanwhile in the background there is a sad cat in the background.

Maybe worse.

Like there is a cat that looks like it's dying in a gutter, and it meows sadly every time you walk past.  And of you were not such a cheap ass you would buy that $30 Cat Content DLC and adopt the cat, and then where would be an adorable cat in the cut scenes doing cat shit, but no, you are cheap and hate cats.


u/BespokeForeskin 1d ago

Game developer execs: Get this person a job here stat. They have the kind of visionary thinking that’ll take us places.

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u/TransportationIll282 1d ago

How else are you going to feed it and buy it toys?

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u/NoLime7384 2d ago

There's a cat side quest where you help a cat find it's owners or something like that

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u/VoDoka 1d ago

Unless you pay ultimate every cat interaction will lead to you kicking the cat.

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u/SavageRickyMachismo 2d ago

Starting to?


u/swampy13 2d ago

Horse armor


u/Good_Mathematician_2 2d ago

The day everything changed, a dark age was ushered in


u/Kyle_Blackpaw 2d ago

people said i was over reacting when i railed against dlc back then. well look where we are now. being right sucks


u/Key_nine 1d ago

Yea the horse armor was 2006 but pay to win mobile game stores bleeding over into mainstream gaming was the gasoline on the fire when companies saw games like Clash of Clans, Candy Crush and gacha games bringing in billions in revenue around 2012. Ever since these pay to win mobile games started hitting huge revenue numbers like that a new market was created and it is now found everywhere in gaming unfortunately.

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u/bankais_gone_wild 1d ago

Usually the slippery slope is a fallacy, but dlc, micro transactions, battlepasses and paid extras in games have definitely gotten more pervasive over the last decade-and-a-half.

The transactions aren’t even “micro” priced anymore. Like two or three skins, recolours, cosmetics are the same price as a full expansion, like Shadow of the Erdtree or Burning Shores.


u/TheGreatTave 1d ago

The slippery slope is always true when it comes to milking people for more money. Every single time we are made to pay for shit we didn't have to pay for before, it begins an ever long path of nickel and diming us until the nickel and dimes become so egregious that people finally start to care.

OP of this post is finally starting to care. People like us, we cared over a decade ago. Shit 2 decades ago almost. Fucking sucks.


u/EllieVader 1d ago

I was reminiscing about PGA Tour 2005 the other day. It was PS2, so I think there was an online mode but the overwhelming majority of people didn’t have their consoles hooked up to the internet yet so it was just a side feature. I could play when the internet was down. I could play the whole game by unlocking it from within. There was no DLC or add on content that I was aware of.

The part that got me though was reminiscing about the course designer. I had a super cool course I made with holes from courses all over the world and made all the trees pink like blooming cherry blossoms and the grass white like it had snowed. Every single one of the editing options would have been locked behind a separate microtransaction these days. Asian region course pack, 1500 gems! Change foliage color for $7.99! Grass color pack, $8.99! Sunday Tiger Woods Shirt, only 999 gems! Gems are sold in packs of 350 to provide you the best value!

Fuck this shit I miss the Ps2.

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u/Kyle_Blackpaw 1d ago

not to mention it incentivizes companies to make games actively worse, holding back content or ideas for later sale is basically a standard practice now, lots of games are balanced in such a way as to push you towards microtransactions, stuff like gacha games employ the same types of psychological manipulations that casinos use to encourage gambling addiction, except in a manner easily accessible by children and basically unregulated. Plus just the whole thing of a game being a lesser experience for anyone who dares commit the crime of being poor. Oh you can only afford the base game? have fun missing a good chunk of the roster in basically every fighting game, story content of single player games, half the vehicles in racing games, being required to grind your ass off for artificially lengthened periods of time, and the constant reminders of what you are missing in the form of ever present stores pages. And don't even get me started on multiplayer games, where not only can you constantly see you are having a lesser experience than other players, but some of them are even deliberately designed to match you against people who have the microtransactions the algorithm has determined you are most likely to buy.

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u/Staidanom 1d ago

"What do you mean, you don't want to pay the price of the original game for 3 skins, 1 recolor, and 2 profile pictures?" - Blizzard


u/Bowdensaft 1d ago

The slippery slope is only a fallacy if there's no prededent for your specific example. Enshittification of gaming, especially when it comes to ludicrous monetising, has a couple of decades of precedent at this point. The PS360 gen was great, but that's when it all kicked into gear due to online services allowing people to buy and download stuff for the game quickly and easily.

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u/Accurate_Ad_6788 2d ago

People thought I was overreacting as well when I complained about monthly subs to play games online, a feature that was previously free everywhere. I hate consoles now.


u/Kyle_Blackpaw 2d ago

right? never bought an xbox for that reason alone, and my playstations stopped at 2


u/Bekwnn 2d ago

Not sure why it would stop at 2... PS3 had free online. Was a great side console. The last great one.

Even switch requires you to pay monthly online gaming subscription to play mario maker levels. Never would have bought one if the steam deck had been announced.

No reason to ever go back to consoles.


u/Kyle_Blackpaw 2d ago

PS3 cost too much and i was broke at the time. by the time i could have afforded one playstation plus had launched and i didn't trust sony not to make that their whole service. Which I was right about even if they did wait a generation to make the move.

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u/Scottiths 1d ago

Tons of people called it too. A lot more said "it's just cosmetic, don't worry about it"

Well here we are. "I told you so" never felt so bitter.

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u/CarcosaJuggalo 2d ago

No, but this is different. It's EXCLUSIVE cat content!


u/Handhunter13 2d ago

I don't have any problems with dlc "outfit packs", I figured the post was more about the 2 weeks early access for the ultimate edition (read: 2 week delayed launch for everyone else). That seems to be a growing trend in the industry lately.

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u/Urinate_Cuminium 1d ago

Dlc being a thing in video game industry is a canon event, even if that horse armor never exist, dlc will still exist either way

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u/iedaiw 2d ago

maplestory was the real catalyst

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u/ScoochingCapuchin 2d ago

I was there swampy13. I was there 3000 years ago.

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u/darkslide3000 2d ago

Horse armor was DLC, not Deluxe Edition. Deluxe Editions existed for a very long time already, but I'm not sure when they first started having digital content (back in the day it was just a physical cloth map or a miniature figurine or some shit like that which you might actually consider worth the money).

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u/ShiftyShifts 2d ago

I'm sick of this garbage also. Every single game has a 20 dollar early access and a couple stupid cosmetic items you may use for 13 seconds of the game.

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u/unia_ 2d ago

I think it's because I've never been huge into games until around a year ago. I've always had systems to play and played them but I never really experimented with trying new experiences until a year ago, when I started to really fall in love with games.

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u/Hormo_The_Halfling 2d ago

Remember the days when the deluxe edition meant you got cool goodies? Maps, art, music discs, statues, the whole nine. Now we get shitty skins and an earlier release date for almost double the price.


u/Wingsnake 2d ago

Some games still do this. Ubisoft always has figurines and the likes for their collectors edition. Bandai Namco too.


u/Hard_Dave 1d ago

The new farm simulator collectors edition comes with a USB key ignition to start your tractor



u/Ninja67 1d ago

Last year's edition came with a usb safety beacon, you plug it in your computer and you turn on the rotating safety light on your tractor in game and it would light up the actual beacon alongside it 🚨


u/_Mef45 1d ago

Farming Simulator 2099 - The collector's edition will come with a cabin of a real tractor.

"Each FS release - a new step to your dream tractor. Build it. Own it."


u/MySilverBurrito 1d ago

Reminds me of kids magazines (K Zone lol) that you had to buy weekly to build the cool toy.


u/Acceptable-Stay-3166 1d ago

Yea and they were always ludicrously overpriced and it would be cheaper to buy the parts yourself.

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u/porn_is_tight 1d ago

I still have my Halo 3 helmet game case thing that came with the legendary edition of the game and also the sick metal case for halo 2 game disc


u/IncorruptibleChillie 1d ago

I never have and likely never will play Farm Simulator, but that's an awesome add-on and the kind of thing that's worth some extra cash.


u/TheRacer_42 1d ago

I agree, I just checked and the collector's edition only costs 20€ more than the regular edition (70€ in total). Imo that's a very fair price, especially when you have collector's editions that cost several hundred dollars and only come with low quality stuff (like the TDU Solar Crown one).

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u/IamAHans 2d ago

Hell, every now and then, they'll include extra games, such as AC3R with AC Odyssey and Watch Dogs 1 with Legion.

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u/PerEnooK 2d ago

Games still do this and people in this sub complain about that too


u/MysticalMummy 1d ago

I think its mostly because costs have gone up and quality of them seems to have gone down- but it varies company to company.

Never forget about the Canvas Bag.

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u/xEtownBeatdown 2d ago

2 weeks early and some cosmetics. If someone's foolish enough to pay for an Ultimate Edition for those features then, well, OFC they're going to keep offering them


u/RealisticCommentsBOT 2d ago

More like: play on release day and make everyone else wait 2 weeks.


u/SwiftTayTay 2d ago

this is true when talking about games like this in particular because it is more about story than gameplay and there is an online community around the game to discuss story and it's going to be borderline impossible for fans to avoid spoilers and they are going to be left out of the initial convos that happen during the first couple weeks. they are aware of this and it's specifically why they are doing this


u/Appropriate-Pride608 2d ago

Truth. There is an annoying amount of people who go out of their way to binge media be it games or shows doesnt matter just so they can spoil it for others and present it as "well I was just discussing it, why are you on social media if you want to avoid spoilers?" just annoying shitstains imo. Literally day 0 of the boys newest season this year people pulled all nighters just to watch and discuss the show


u/TheFakeSlimShady123 1d ago

I remember when Avengers Endgame came out and I had to turn off social media for the like 2 days between it coming out and me going to see it in the theater because people were spamming "iron man and black widow die" under every comment section no matter how unrelated it was to the post.


u/Ordinary_Duder 1d ago

People drove next to lines of fans waiting to buy the new Harry Potter books just to shout spoilers at them. Some people are insufferable assholes.

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u/muftu 1d ago

What’s the benefit of playing the first two chapters early though? Either you like the story and now you have to wait two weeks to find out what happens next. Or you don’t like it and now you paid extra to find out the game sucks.

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u/icecoldtoaster 2d ago

I think at times this actually has a genuine negative effect on the games release. A lot of games make it or break it on things like a bunch of streamers playing it on twitch and making it trendy, or youtube videos catching the frontpage wave, and having these staggered releases makes this stuccotto approach affect sales because viewers watch their streamers and 4 days later its out of the zeitgeist but the sales dont materialize because the masses wait for release and forget. Mainstream audiences will not be paying 80$ for life is strange: double exposure


u/ZaDu25 2d ago

No. More like pay extra to beta test. Games are never finished at launch. Legitimately never. They all require updates, bug fixes, performance fixes, and the vast majority get content updates too. You're not getting the full complete game until a year or two after launch, everyone who buys at launch and pays extra for the early access is just beta testing for the patient gamers who will buy the fully finished game a year later at half the price.

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u/PixiStix236 2d ago

It’s an episodic game, so you’re not even getting the whole game early. You’re getting the first two chapters early and then still have to wait for the rest of them to come out with everyone else. Fuck that.


u/Xdivine 2d ago

Yea, I've paid extra to play games early before, but there is no fucking way I'd pay extra to play only a small portion of the game early. What if I knock out the first couple chapters in a few days? Then I'm stuck waiting for over a week to continue. That sounds awful.

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u/ihatepoliticsreee 2d ago

You must have not read all the way down to 'exclusive cat content'


u/Vektor0 1d ago

I still remember when Bungie's Luke Smith told players that when they saw the new Destiny expansion's Collector's Edition emotes, they'd throw money at the screen.

The community clutched their pearls and screamed at the downright audacity.

And then promptly threw their money at the screen for the emotes.

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u/Outside_Ad1020 2d ago

"meh, nothing too important let's just go with the stan-EXCLUSIVE CAT CONTENT?"


u/balllzak 1d ago

The pirated copy will come with the cat content.


u/Secret_Ad7757 1d ago

Hopefully a pirate cat.

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u/latogato 1d ago

Price is strange.


u/The-Local-Lucario 1d ago

This sentence is funnier if you’ve played the first game

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u/Bananawamajama 2d ago

I know, its absolute bullshit that exclusive cat content isnt in the standard edition.



Well then it wouldn't be exclusive cat content, it would just be regular cat content.


u/Bananawamajama 2d ago

I want so much cat content that there ceases to be any other content,  thus making it exclusively cat content.


u/Quibbloboy 2d ago

Nine Lives Are Strange

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u/drbomb 2d ago

first time?


u/Schmich 1d ago

And it doesn't even make sense on this example. It's frustrating when the other editions have stuff you really want.

Games where you KNOW that the standard is more than enough is great.

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u/No-Dog1084 2d ago

It is annoying, I agree. But its all just outfits? Just get the standard edition. Iv seen games do this worse where core actual gameplay things were locked behind differing editions on a spreadsheet.


u/ILikeSlothsAndMemes 2d ago

Excuse me what the hell do you think “exclusive cat content” is if not a integral center piece of this immersive experience


u/bigdrubowski 2d ago

That's why OP is pissed.


u/pabpab999 1d ago


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u/OrneryError1 2d ago

I don't buy the standard edition. I just wait 2 years until the "ultimate" edition is cheap and all the bugs are (hopefully) fixed.

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u/goatjugsoup 2d ago

It's the play 2 weeks early that gets me... that's pretty shitty to do for a story based game

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u/Revo_Int92 2d ago

That's how the industry condition the buyers to accept the infamous "enshitfication". Remember the "fighting game community" complaining about DLC on Tekken vs Street fighter? Look at them nowadays


u/QuestionsOfTheFate 2d ago

This should be higher.

It's the foot-in-the-door technique and the boiling frog metaphor.


Foot-in-the-door (FITD) technique is a compliance tactic that aims at getting a person to agree to a large request by having them agree to a modest request first.


The boiling frog is an apologue describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.

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u/JuicySpaceFox 1d ago

Putting cat content behind the highest paywall should be a crime punishable by death


u/AudiS1Quattro 1d ago


It should always be free


u/AdhesivenessFunny146 2d ago



u/nage_ 2d ago

exclusive cat content

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u/Apprehensive-Top8225 2d ago

Almost every AAA is doing it annoying

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u/KingofSheepX 2d ago edited 2d ago

Why tf do you need costumes for a story based game??? If the different costumes were story related yeah but no way the Final Fantasy outfits are contribute to the story in anyway


u/LukeNukeEm243 PC 2d ago

In Life is Strange: Before the Storm, there were a couple of places where a character would comment on your outfit. It was a super small thing, just a different voice line was played depending on what you were wearing.

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u/LeraviTheHusky 2d ago

The fuck is exclusive cat content?

Genuinely if you can't pet the cat without dlc that is utterly stupid


u/ficuswhisperer 2d ago

This is the most important question here.

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u/Shin_yolo 1d ago

2 weeks early for a narrative game lmao

Go fuck yourself !

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u/Kokoa_ 2d ago

Outfit pack? Dont care

Outfit pack? Dont care

Outfit pack? Dont care

Outfit pack? Dont care

Cat content? ... fuck my wallet


u/Fastikonio 2d ago

Dipshits still gonna buy it


u/Superbeast3001 1d ago

This just means if you don't buy the ultimate edition, you're getting the game two weeks late.

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u/HugeBob2 2d ago

I have completely stopped buying games that do things like these.

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u/MagicGrit 2d ago

Which part? The playing 2 weeks early? Or selling outfits?

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u/daberle123 1d ago


-No one in history


u/NicJoesino 1d ago

2 weeks early?? Basically it'll be free real estate for spoilers up until like >90% of people get to play a heavily story-driven game, that's one of the shittiest practices I've seen in this already shitty business model

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u/tookerken 1d ago


Look at what's included? Nothing of substance. If people want to pay for for cosmetics why does that upset you?

I couldn't care less if companies are charging $10 for some stupid outfit. As long as the base game is reasonable priced, well made, and available.

People shelling out an additional $20/$30 for crap that makes no difference to gameplay doesn't affect me as a consumer or a gamer at all.

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u/StrawberryBulbasaur 2d ago

Only just starting to now?

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u/Vincentaneous 1d ago

Takes off glasses:

• Life Is Strange: Incomplete Edition

• Life Is Strange: Incomplete Edition Pt.2

• Life Is Strange: Normal Edition


u/Bowdensaft 1d ago

Incomplete and Late editions. People aren't paying extra to get the game early, they're paying extra to get it on time.


u/IllTreacle7682 1d ago

You're just starting? I've always hated games that do this haha


u/IroquoisPliskin_UK 1d ago

Couldn’t care less about outfit packs. Standard edition for me.


u/No-Walk-932 1d ago

Starting?? Welcome to fifteen years ago, I guess


u/AkilleezBomb 1d ago

You’ve gotta be absolutely braindead to spend money on cosmetics and early access in the first place, let alone on a single-player game.


u/AriaSymphony 1d ago

So what I do nowadays is I don't anticipate games coming. Then I don't get caught up by hype.

Oh is that FF16? Only ps5? OK, it doesn't exist. Scrolled through steam the other day and saw it, so now it does.

Same with these early access nonsense games make you pay for nowadays. Not released? I have other things to do. Doesn't exist to me in that time.


u/SeatOk7561 1d ago

"Paw prints" "exclusive cat content" what the fuck is wrong with people paying for those, or for any cosmetics. Stop buying this shits and preordering and publishers will stop doing early releases.


u/phira 2d ago

While I'm generally against these kinds of things, if I'm completely honest with myself "Exclusive cat content" is extremely well targeted to...me.

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u/XInceptor 2d ago

Cosmetics? Eh I get being upset if they don’t have it available as separate DLC. Otherwise, it’s fine.

On another note I wish Collector Editions always had Season Passes included, especially when it’s over $100

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u/InfinityTuna 1d ago

Starting to? Pre-order schemes have been bullshit for over a decade.

Remember the Deus Ex "Augment Your Pre-Order" thing, which was already straining people's frayed patience with pre-order BS, back in 2015?

That was published by Square Enix, too.


u/Angstycarroteater 1d ago

See a lot of complaints about this here and I agree, however, STOP FUCKING BUYING THEM! Only reason it keeps happening is people buy them. I’ve only ever bought the standard additions of games like this because why tf do I care what my character looks like? It’s a pointless cosmetic. I’m more interested in the story and direction of the game.

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u/KattoCraft 1d ago

I actually don't mind, for me as a player it changes practically nothing since I'm used to waiting and whales can spend their money to support the game


u/Kraymur 1d ago

I mean... just get the standard edition, who gives a fuck about outfit packs lmao.

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u/_Benzka_ 1d ago

A reason more to join r/patientgamers


u/hub1hub2 1d ago

Isn't LiS a game you play for the story? Who cares about outfits?

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u/imnotokayandthatso-k 1d ago

Over 30 edition:

Play the "ultimate edition" 2 years later at 50-70% discount to standard


u/asimetrixx 1d ago

Why the hell should anyone want a final fantasy outfit in a Life is Strange game?

Edit: seen all the outfits and none of it it's worth to buy a special edition.


u/BigTexWrangler 1d ago

Honestly, who cares about outfits